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{Down Bad}

Word Count; 6,800

It was finally Monday morning and Bakugou was feeling pissy again.

After his conversation with Kirishima on Friday morning, he went to class just to find out that Costa was out for 'personal reasons' that day, reasons that she seemed to forget to share with him, which pissed him off to no end.

He only allowed himself to text her once that weekend, given she'd been especially unresponsive and he'd began to work himself into worrying, assuming the worst. So, when he texted her a simple, 'why weren't you at school today, loser? you slacking off or something?' and receive a, 'I'll tell you later, I'm fine tho. Glad you're worried about me tho, hotshot ;)' in response, he sighed in relief.

He didn't enjoy how the relief came with a set of butterflies that burst through his stomach when her name popped up on his screen. He snarled at himself for the feeling before Kirishima's wise words resubmerged their way into his head as he laid in his bed that night.

"So it's okay, you're allowed to be a normal teenage boy for once, you get a pass for this one,"

He tossed and turned, his mind continuously tugging him in the direction of burying his feelings and forgetting about the whole thing. But then after hearing Kirishima's hopeful words, encouraging him to 'win the girl', he couldn't help the surge of excitement that raced through his veins. Just the thought of trying to... be romantically involved with Costa...

He groaned, stuffing his face into his pillow. He'd pondered over the same thoughts for the past couple of hours that he'd been trying to desperately get some sleep. But there she was, sitting pretty in his mind. The simple idea of being close to her or getting to talk to her even more than he already did excited him way more than it should've.

It had him all riled up all over again. All. Damn. Weekend.

He honestly never thought he'd like her this much or have her on his mind this often.

His knee bobbed anxiously as he sat in his assigned seat, early Monday morning, bags coating his vermillion eyes. He felt exhausted, the stress and lack of sleep putting his body into a constant state of shakiness. Kirishima immediately approached him when he walked through the door, shooting him an incredulous look after his once-over, "Dude, I told you not to stress about it."

"I can't fucking help it!" he snapped, gripping at his hair as his knees starting alternating the bobbing. Kirishima looked down at his anxious movements and let out a low whistle, "Wow, you're really getting worked up over this."

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