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Sorry for the wait, I've had barely any time to sit down and write this!

No update this weekend- I'm attending a writing convention all weekend long! How cool is that?! Therefore, I shall see you all next week with chapter fifty-three :)

No update this weekend- I'm attending a writing convention all weekend long! How cool is that?! Therefore, I shall see you all next week with chapter fifty-three :)

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{Happy Birthday, Motherfucker}


Word Count; 6,665

It'd been about a week since the finalists for the NWHC were announced and it'd been a weird past couple of days for Costa.

The news spread like wildfire and not just across school. She heard her name on the street, on the news, in magazine articles and newspapers, it was everywhere. She'd received more publicity in the past few days than she did winning the sports festival, due to the fact that her being a second-year finalist was unprecedented in UA history.

Class 2A had gone insane when they'd found out, bombarding Costa the next morning with excited 'congratulations' and bone-crushing hugs. Costa had to literally pry Kaminari off of her after her threatening to sock him didn't work. He claimed he was just too happy about being friends with a "future celebrity" to let go.

She knew it was a big deal. Hell, if anyone knew she did. Japan took the NWHC incredibly seriously, the winner bound to be handed a full-fledged, successful career right off the bat. It was an honor to be a finalist in the high school round but once you were chosen to compete in the actual national competition... Agencies would be lined up to watch you, picking out who was the best and throwing opportunities at their feet. Costa would be well-known around the country, just if she were UA's representative. Winning wasn't an option, it was a necessity. She would not lose to those damn third-years, not with what was at stake.

Attention at school skyrocketed. Walking down the hallway turned into an invasion of privacy and personal space. Eyes followed her wherever she went. Hell, even a group of general ed students pressed their faces against the window to watch Costa train out in the PE grounds one afternoon. They were pointing and waving, making it obvious that they were gawking at Costa like she was some kind of sideshow attraction.

As soon as Katsuki saw Costa's face drop from noticing them, he trudged right over there- shouting and cursing nasty things at them. Aizawa was pissed too, writing each one of them up for skipping class and intruding on his own.

Stopping by her own locker was hell in of itself. Everyone wanted a look at who the second year that stood up to the third years was. She'd resorted to shoving and glaring, unbothered by the public opinion of her having an attitude. Maybe if people weren't such nosy pricks, she wouldn't have to be a bitch.

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