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Word Count; 5016

Costa rubbed her eyes with the back of her wrist, a loud and obnoxious yawn escaping her lips as she scraped the gum off of the bottom of Mineta's desk.

This still sucks...

She rolled her eyes at the fresh gum sticking to the wooden underside, stretching out in long, mint green strings attached to the metal scraper in her hand. She let out a disgusted noise, scraping it off on the side of the trash can sitting next to her. Bakugou looked over his shoulder at her from his place across the room where he bleached the whiteboard for the 4th time that week, rolling his eyes at whatever reaction she had to her own tasks.

The week had been hell. Costa and Bakugou hadn't been shown any mercy from their homeroom teacher ever since they got back. He put them to work whenever he could, including cleaning the dorm bathrooms and pushing them harder than ever in their hero classes in the morning. Neither of them complained about it though. Sure, Bakugou had something to say about it every now and then but one look from his homeroom teacher and he was only grumbling to himself while scrubbing away at whatever Aizawa had told him to.

Costa had used the cleaning time to think about her own actions, as Aizawa probably hoped they'd do. She scrubbed and wiped and sprayed and swept, all the while going over an invisible list of all the things she'd done wrong on their mission for the past 6 days since they were sent home. Bakugou and her didn't talk much when they were together, only the few petty arguments they usually had but no talking about the situation. They were both wallowing in their own self-pity and letting each other deal with it on their own.

She wanted to scream at him after his part in their failed mission but the shame and guilt of contributing to that failure stopped her from uttering a word about it to him. She was as much in the wrong as he was, it wouldn't feel right to pin it all on him, even if he did start it.

The class found out right when they got back, how they did, Costa had no idea. All she knew was Monoma wouldn't stop making fun of them, talking about how the 'best in the class' had failed miserably on their mission compared to the rest of them. Costa, who hadn't had a proper introduction to the entirety of Class B, including Monoma, handled the situation perfectly.

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" Costa glared at the blonde boy, bent backward like some stereotypical jester character in a comic.

She was sitting at the table she always did with Bakugou sitting directly across from her and the rest of their friend group occupying the other seats. They all groaned when Monoma approached their table, instantly targetting the two hotheaded blondes with his gloating on how 'amazing' Class B did on their studies programs.

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