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This chapter is inspired by the song attached- I am not exaggerating when I say this whole arc changed because of it.

⚠️ TW: Depictions of abuse ⚠️

⚠️ TW: Depictions of abuse ⚠️

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{Lights Out}


Word Count; 5,379

The first thing she registered was that her brain went numb. It was... fuzzy, as if it'd been pulled down, down, down, into the abyss before snapping back into a state of consciousness.

The darkness had consumed her, eaten her whole. She could barely breathe and she was sure chills ran down her arms, but she couldn't even see her body underneath her. She was a wading sheet of pure shadow, billowing in a sharp, cool breeze.

She sucked in a deep breath of chilled air, her lungs increasingly burning with the pound of her heart. She could hear it thrumming inside her ears going: ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump. She threw her hands up over her ears, cupping them as her teeth chattered.

She found herself blinking repetitively as a reflection began to appear out of the corner of her eyes.

She squinted down at the shiny, reflective glass floor beneath her feet. She focused on the coolness of the glass, pressed up against her bare feet. She then realized how cold it was, and that her clothe-less body mirrored how vulnerable she felt. She gasped at her own nakedness, covering her arms over her bare chest and recoiling in on herself.

Only the glass floor and the expanse of blackness surrounded her, no light in sight. Her gut coiled, her breathing picking up as she began taking several steps forward to find her footing once again. She took a total of five steps before something in her clicked and she'd started screamed, "HELLO?!"

Her rage-filled cry echoed on for what sounded like miles, quieting as it was swallowed by the dark hole of nothingness. Costa covered her face with her hands, pushing back an angry sob as she dropped down to her knees, her face scrunching up tightly.

It was so quiet. So quiet, you could hear a drop of... of water...

Costa's eyes snapped open and she leaned forward, placing her palms on the glass floor. She began drooping her head down when she caught sight of herself in the reflection of the glass and immediately flinched.

A look of horror took over her features as a vision of herself, on her hands and needs, with her eyes scratched out, a smile stitched onto her pale face, stared back at her. Costa yelped, scrambling back onto her ass, kicking herself away from the reflection that only followed her.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now