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{Dinner for Two}


Word Count; 4379

Costa and Bakugou rushed as they quickly changed into their street clothes, their reservation scheduled in five minutes. Costa zipped up a cropped, grey zip-up hoodie before changing into high-waisted athletic, black leggings with white tennis shoes. She left her hair in its messy, curly braid as she met Bakugou in the hallway.

He was wearing grey joggers, tennis shoes, and a baggy black band tee-shirt with a black zip-up hoodie. His ash-blonde hair was still messy and extra spikey from flying around downtown earlier.

Costa tried not to ogle his appearance too much before turning off down the hallway. They took the elevator down to the lobby in silence, both of them with their hands stuffed in their pockets, not looking at one another.

When they stepped out of the elevator, they followed the signs toward the hotel restaurant. When they approached the entrance, they sweatdropped.

It was a five-star, Italian restaurant. All of the servers were wearing ties, the food was served with silver coverings, and a giant chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling. Bakugou and her were frozen into their sweats as they observed the restaurant in silence.

"Well..." Costa cringed, pulling her hands out of her pockets to wrap around her arms, "He didn't give us the dress code memo..."

"No kidding," Bakugou scowled, looking more uncomfortable the longer he stood there. Suddenly, a young woman in a black vest and tie approached them, her posture impeccably straight. She went right up to Costa, quickly flicking her eyes down to her attire before up to her eyes, "May I help you?"

Costa narrowed her eyes, "We've got a reservation actually."

"Oh," she looked over at Bakugou before nodding in understanding, "Name?"

"We're the students staying here from Yoroi's agency."

"Right," she said, as if she immediately recognized the reservation, "You may follow me right this way." Bakugou and her eyes met briefly before following the server across the restaurant. Costa shivered in discomfort as the older, rich men that dined there eyed her up and down as her workout leggings hugged her lower figure tightly.

She passed one table of businessmen having a work-meeting dinner, laughing and drinking with one another. One of the men visibly checked her out as she passed by. Bakugou noticed it too, his eyes immediately narrowing in on the guy and staring him down as they walked by. The man that had to be in his early thirties sent her a smirk before whistling. Bakugou tensed.

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