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Word Count; 4,413

Bakugou marched right through the doors of Mirko's agency without a second thought, boots stomping on the ground like booming cracks of thunder. Kirishima followed behind him, cringing and mouthing out a "sorry" to the puzzled receptionist they waltzed right past.

Mirko had just left her office in a hurry, clad in her pristine costume and boots. There was a determined gleam in her eyes as they rested on Bakugou. It made him anxious. Just by the way she walked with such purpose, he already knew she had a plan coordinated. It was time to execute it.

After all, he'd skipped school and gone all the way to Tokyo, just for this. He would not be turned away.

"Take me on." He stated confidently, just as she stopped in her tracks, blinking back at him. He balled his fists at his sides, voice gruff as he continued, "Aizawa said if you took me on as one of your work study students then-"

"Then what?" Mirko placed both of her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes down at him and he suddenly realized how much Mirko outranked him- in every skill there was. She looked down her nose at him like a woman who had never pretended to be smaller in the presence of another man. He'd have to play this her way, or no way.

"I'll do anything. Just-" Mirko raised an eyebrow. For someone who had never said 'pretty please with a cherry on top' once in his life, it took a few seconds before he spat out the word, "Please," as if it tasted sour in his mouth.

Mirko's lips curved to one side, as if she found it perfectly amusing to hear him say that word and he knew in that moment that Costa had most likely told Mirko every single thing she knew about him- leaving out a few things, of course. At least he hoped so.

"What do you have to offer?" She asked curiously, glancing down at her small, carrot-shaped wrist watch. She was anxious on time, of course, given she was in charge of rescuing her prized pupil from the clutches of the league of villains and she didn't wish to waste a minute talking about it. "I need to you to tell me in fifteen seconds or I'm sending you back to school, kid..."

If there was anything Bakugou liked to do, it was boast about himself. He easily explain to her how badass and intense his quirk was, how smart and quick-witted he was, how he was light on his feet and really fucking talented in general but... that wasn't what she was asking him. Both of them knew it.

"I know her better than anyone and I swear I will get her out of there the second we swoop in. I-I don't care about the ass-kicking this time, just-" He grit his teeth, his red eyes near pleading. "Just let me handle her. I'll do anything you ask me to, otherwise."

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