Chapter Twenty Three

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Lavender is the color of serenity, and its fragrance can transport you to a state of tranquility.Lavender, with its delicate hues and soothing aroma, has long been revered for its therapeutic properties.There’s something truly magical about the way lavender can lift our spirits and calm our nerves.
Perhaps it’s the way its fragrant blooms seem to dance in the breeze or the gentle hum of bees as they flit from flower to flower. Whatever the reason, lavender has long been recognized as a natural remedy for anxiety and stress, and its therapeutic benefits are well-documented.Its beauty and fragrance have been immortalized in various works of art.

Lavender is the color of sweet memories...

And lavender is Taehyung's favourite smell..The last smell of lavender he took some days ago from Jungkook's handkerchief which he stolen from Jungkook...He used to hug Jungkook in every moment just to take that smell of his baby star...

Smell is the primordial sense, more powerful, more primitive, more intimately tied to our memories and emotions than any other. A scent can trigger spiritual, emotional or physical peace and stimulate healing and wellness.

How can Taehyung forget those memories??Those golden memories which are holding a lots of sentiments...Those golden memories are just like lavender scent...They are holding more emotional,more spiritual,more peaceful,more dejected moments....

How can Taehyung forget all those???

It's not easy... It's not easy at all...Those evocation are already part of his life..he can't neglect those,he can't cherish those....


Taehyung is crying,sitting beside the large glass window..The room is dark...But the moonlight is gleaming.. That's why the crying face of Taehyung is clearly visible..He is holding Jungkook's handkerchief so tightly to his chest....The lavender scent is still there...It is not healing him but also not triggering him...

"Baby are you angry with me??For not talking with you two days??" Taehyung said..The tears are falling from his dark brown eyes...

"See I have your handkerchief still with me..You left me but I didn't...The scent of yours still have in here.." Taehyung mumbled and took smell of the sweet lavender...

"Are you angry with me??? I swear I didn't hug him intentionally...I just saved from that man..." Taehyung said while looking at the sky...The moon is shining brightly....

"H-He is l-looking like you...Same face...Same smile .Same eyes ..Same nose ...Same lip...Same skin..."

Taehyung paused....

"But he is not you..My baby star is only one...No one can be like you baby...My love is only one..No one can be like my love..My love.." Taehyung giggled while crying...If someone sees him like this,he will say Taehyung become crazy....

Indeed he is crazy....For his love...For his baby star ...Nobody can understand him..Nobody can understand his love ..Nobody can understand what baby star means to him....

He hates his baby star....

But he loves him the most....

"He can't talk you know...I-I am sorry..Hyungie did bad with him.....You are not angry with me for those right?? I gave him ice cream...Kookie is missing me there??Hmm??" Taehyung is talking like a toddler...

"Hyungie should come there?? We will again be together...M-My....M-My h-heart can't take anymore...I-I miss y-you Kookie..." Taehyung is weeping...His eyes became swollen because of continuously crying....

What happened with him???

Actually in the morning when Taehyung pushed Jungguk towards him he didn't envision that he would smell that lavender scent form Jungguk....The sweet aroma....His favorite scent ..Which he keeps on Jungkook's handkerchief for year... Taehyung exactly felt same soothing smell... Taehyung lost in his mind... He totally lost it .

It's feeling like Taehyung is getting weak day by day....Not physically... Mentally.....

So he hold himself not to be weak in front of Jungguk who was unknown of everything... Taehyung hurriedly moved back from the hug and didn't look at Jungguk....The policemen and the robber were already out of the sight....After that Taehyung dropped Jungguk at the cafe...He didn't glance at Jungguk before leaving....

Because at that time his mind was in the maze...A tangled maze....

Taehyung came back home and locked him in his room...Now he is chatting with his baby star according to him....

"Kookieeee ....Love.....Take me .. It's hurting...So much.....I want to love you...I want to be with you ...You said we will get married and have family....Kookieee...My Kookiee....Come back to Hyungie....Show me yourself...Show me your love.....Come back...

Please ......


Please............." Taehyung's loud crying was heard in whole Kim Mansion....

Seokjin is crying by hugging Namjoon....They are outside of Taehyung's room...They heard everything..Seokjin couldn't hold himself...His son is in pain...So much pain..He can't see that.. It's hurting him....

"I want my baby to happy again Namjoon...I can't see him.... Namjoon please...Please.." Seokjin said while crying....

"Don't worry love ..Our baby will get his love..His life will shine again...Luck is not so cruel...I know Jungkook is watching us...Our baby will show us way ...Trust me .." Namjoon tried to calm down Seokjin...

Taehyung dropped on the floor..His head is paining so much..He needs a nap...His eyes are beginning to close...But his mumble aren't stopping...

"Kookie...Baby star...Will you come to my dream??
Love....Come back ..Heal me baby star .. Fulfilled my heart..." Taehyung whispered and finally close his eyes.....

Taehyung missed something... Taehyung again missed the shooting star which is now falling from the sky with shining....

If you cry because the sun has gone out from you life,your tears will prevent you from seeing falling star.....

It's the truth.. It's the fact....Maybe Jungkook was listening Taehyung....

Maybe he heard....




Jungguk is hugging his teddy so tightly while thinking of someone ...He is smiling time to time whenever he recollects the moment...

How Taehyung was holding him.....

How Jungguk was squished with Taehyung's hard chest.....

How the manly smell of Taehyung's was clinging to Taehyung's cloth.....

Jungguk is thinking and again blushing....

"Why are you troubling me??? What happened with me???" Jungguk said to his mind...He is again smiling....

Soon his room door is opened by Hoseok...

"Junggukah.... Tomorrow Jimin is coming..."


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

To be continue~~

[Tell me who cried while reading it👀👀

New character is finally here👀👀

What will be Jimin's role???

Jungguk is in love???]

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