Chapter Forty Nine

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After their first kiss,they parted away..Both are feeling shy...They can't make eye contact because their hearts are still beating.. Taehyung can't forget the feeling... Jungguk can't forget the touch..

It feels like a dream to Jungguk.. Kissing you boyfriend who is used to be your first crush.. Feeling so giddy...He wants to stop the time and only think about Taehyung...

Taehyung is also feeling “I can’t take my eyes off you. Unless, of course, you notice me. Then I’ll quickly look away and act like it never happened.”

He is feeling shy around Jungguk as like Jungguk is his crush whom he used to see by hiding...

Their shy situation disturbed by the knock on the door.. Taehyung sat straight and said to come in...The waiter came and gave the bill to Taehyung.. Taehyung paid the bill by cash..The waiter bowed to them and went out..

"Let's go then.." Taehyung spoke.. Jungguk just nodded without looking at Taehyung because he didn't have pluck to look at Taehyung...

It's so funny that Jungguk kissed Taehyung while drowning in Taehyung's deep brown eyes and now he can't look at that eyes...

They stood up and came out of the room..They are walking side by side not too far also not too close..While walking Jungguk saw some teenage girls are looking at Taehyung like he is the big celebrity... Jungguk didn't feel good by witnessing that..

Without any second thought, Jungguk interwined his arm with Taehyung's arm..He didn't look at Taehyung while doing this..He wants to show those girls that this boy is taken by him..Only he can look at Taehyung like that...No one else... Only he can walk beside Taehyung by holding hands......Only him...Only him....

Taehyung was bewildered by Jungguk's sudden action...He looked at Jungguk and saw a cute pout and frown on Jungguk's face..

What happened with him?? Taehyung thought..But he isn't complaining for Jungguk's sudden action...

Rather he is feeling internally good...He and Jungguk are boyfriends now .. Thinking this,he can't control his beating heart...

Days are going like this..New couple started to do romance,go on a date like movie date,bike date,cafe date and so on... Taehyung once a week brings Jungguk to his house just to let him meet yeontan... Yeontan is bratty puppy who only listen to Jungguk and Seokjin...

Seokjin and Namjoon treats Jungguk like their own family and Jungguk exactly feels same when he comes to Kim mansion.. Taehyung didn't tell his parents about their relationship but Seokjin and Namjoon already knew it..


Hoseok is the answer....One day Jimin and Jungguk were talking about Taehyung and Hoseok saw them..He learned that Jungguk loves Taehyung and they are in relationship... He felt good because for the first time Jungguk took a decision for his own and Hoseok knows it's a good decision because he saw the feelings of Taehyung for Jungguk...

So that day Seokjin called Hoseok for a important discussion and that time Hoseok told Seokjin about Taehyung and Jungguk...
Seokjin and Namjoon were happy to know that his son moved on.. Jungguk is a very good guy and perfect for Taehyung..They have one job to done...And that is very important...

And they know it is the time to reveal everything...

Today Jungguk came with Taehyung to game arcade where Taehyung's friends are already there.. Taehyung's friends knows that Jungguk is Taehyung's boyfriend...They celebrated that day when they got to know their leader got a boyfriend... Jungguk is very shy around them because they are very loud and treats him as he is kind of a king....

Well,that is Taehyung's order to them to treat Jungguk good...And they can't disobey their leader..Also they like Jungguk.....

As a friend....

Currently they all are playing and Jungguk is watching them .He also played with them but he is tired now..He is having banana milk which Taehyung bought for him..He saw Taehyung is beating everyone in the game and others are sulking..He giggled...

Jungguk is having great time with Taehyung..He is feeling really happy.. Taehyung is starting to learn sign language for Jungguk..That day Jungguk cried a lot because learning sign language is very hard but Taehyung is doing it for him... Jungguk is helping him to learn...

Taehyung looked at Jungguk and saw Jungguk was looking at him... Taehyung mouthed "Do you need anything?" Jungguk smiled and shook his head...

Soon their game reached to end... Taehyung won and others are sulking.. Jungguk giggled...

"Don't laugh at us...Your boyfriend is beyond to lost.." Hisung said... Taehyung chuckled...

"Accept that you can't defeat me.." Taehyung mocked... Jungguk is enjoying their bickering... Taehyung held Jungguk's hand and kissed Jungguk forhead...

Forget to say.. Taehyung is so affectionate towards Jungguk...He always kisses him out of nowhere and makes Jungguk red tomato...

And Jungguk loves this behavior of to be honest....

They parted away from there... Taehyung dropped Jungguk to his house... Taehyung signed to him ..

"Take care and I will video call you at night..."

Jungguk nodded..Before entering to house, Jungguk ran to Taehyung and gave a sweet peck and hurriedly vanished...

Taehyung chuckled...

"My love..." He whispered.....

When Jungguk entered to house he saw Jimin and Hoseok are there with worry expression..

"Jungguk you came.."Hoseok spoke...

Jungguk signed to him.."what happened"

Hoseok looked at Jimin who nodded....


"It's time to tell you something..."


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To be continue~~

[ What is Hoseok going to say?? It's too difficult 🤭

If anyone can guess I will fullfil your one wish 👀( related to story)

Who is excited for Video call talk??

And did you read my upcoming story's glimpse??]

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