Chapter Thirty Two

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Twisting roller coasters, a giant Ferris wheel, water slides, and so many more rides. Along with the rides, there are gorgeous food stalls selling Disney and cartoon-themed eatables. This is why children, adults, oldies and basically everybody enjoys an Amusement Park.

There is something about being at an amusement park that makes everything seem magical. The rides, the characters, the food, and the palaces...

Jungguk always finds these types of places..But he never had a chance to come..He is looking here and there with his doe eyes and all the things around him are giving him so much excitement... Taehyung is walking behind him but he forgot that... Because he is so amazed by seeing the rides and stalls...He wants to ride every ride and enjoy it as much as he wants..But the thing is he can't talk to Taehyung..He didn't know Taehyung would spend money on the ride for him.. Taehyung already brought him in here and it was big for him..He can't spend others'money for his enjoyment..So he stayed quiet and enjoyed the place by only watching....

Taehyung saw how Jungguk is watching everything with his bambi eyes and the surprise expressions of Jungguk every time after seeing the different rides is giving weird feelings to Taehyung's heart...He saw Jungguk stopped his walk and looking at Camelot Carousal ride (🎠)

Jungguk never rides this on his childhood..How would he?? This is the first time he came to an amusement park....He wants to go there and sit on horse back..He wants to feel the same feelings which every child feels when they ride on that...He knows he is being childish but it's his choice..But today he can't make it... Because he can't say to Taehyung that he didn't have money and to lend some money to ride on that...He smiles to himself and watches the kids there...

"Let's go there.."

Jungguk heard Taehyung's voice and looked at his side..He saw Taehyung showing him two tickets on his hand.. Jungguk widened his eyes..

Did Taehyung read his mind?

Or was he obvious with his expression?

Taehyung saw Jungguk was lost in his thoughts while he was watching Camelot Carousal... Taehyung understood...He left the ticket counter to buy two tickets for the ride...He knows Jungguk will never tell him to ride there.. Nowadays he is understanding Jungguk well...

Is it obvious???

It was his mind unintentionally??


Taehyung was doing all this for a reason by himself?

Taehyung gestured to Jungguk to walk and Jungguk felt shy...He and Taehyung will ride on Camelot Carousal... It's a children's ride and Taehyung will be with him... Jungguk is feeling butterflies on his stomach...

Soon they entered Camelot and Jungguk sat on one's horse..He saw that Taehyung didn't sit..He is standing there holding the side stand of the horse...The Camelot started to spin and Jungguk is feeling so happy...He feels like he became a child and the excitement of the ride is eating him... Jungguk was smiling so much when the Camelot started to spin more... Taehyung holds the stand tightly...He is not much into riding...So he doesn't know what to feel at that time...But soon he felt something when he saw Jungguk's shining smile....

A smile cures the wounding of a frown....

The ride ended and Jungguk felt the best moment of his life...He thanked Taehyung by signing, that's the only sign Taehyung understands well...They again started to walk..

"If you can play this and win you can have this giant bear...Come,play and win.."

Jungguk heard one man from the stall was gaining attention... Jungguk saw this in the movie... If people win the game they can have sweet gifts.. Jungguk wants to try this badly...He looked at Taehyung who was walking in front of him...He doesn't know how he got the courage to stop Taehyung by tugging Taehyung's shirt from behind... Taehyung looked behind...

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