Chapter Thirty Three

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Jungguk is hugging the bear plushie tightly..It is night time and he can't sleep now because a certain someone is holding his mind..He is giggling to himself whenever he thought about his day out with Taehyung at LotteWorld...Also Taehyung gifted him bear plushie...He didn't expect it..

Jungguk is so happy because he spent this birthday so happily...He looked at the bear plushie and and again giggled...

"You know Taehyungie hyungie is so handsome... Whenever I look at him I feel how can someone be so handsome like him? If he smiles everyday he will look more handsome..But he never does that..." Jungguk was talking to the bear by his mind...He pouted when he thought why Taehyung doesn't smile much...But then he smiled because he remembered today Taehyung laughed little bit...

"Can I ever say hyungie that....That...I like him??" Jungguk lowered his head while thinking that...

"Hyungie will never like me .I am a mute boy.. Can't talk..I didn't study like him..I am not rich than him.. Why will he like me?" Jungguk started playing with his fingers...

"But I like him...I never felt this before... Hyungie is like super hero to me.. Whenever I am with him I feel so safe and shy...I can't stop thinking about him...You know now I miss him..." Jungguk thought to send a message to Taehyung..He wanted to thank Taehyung for the bear...But the thing is he is feeling shy...

Jungguk looked at his phone and then looked at the bear..

"Should I write a message V bear??" Jungguk asked the bear in his mind...

Oh yeah... Jungguk already gave a nickname to the bear..V bear...He loves that name...

Jungguk took the phone..He is biting his lower lip because of nervousness...He typed the words and sent the message to Taehyung..He threw the phone on the side of the pillow and hide himself in the comforter....

Taehyung is looking at the sky..Today there is no star in the sky...He had dinner with his parents some minutes ago..Today he is feeling good than before...He heard that his Papa sent some gifts to Jungguk's cafe for Jungguk...He felt good after hearing this... Jungguk had no parents and relatives also friends...He will be happy now...

Taehyung remembered the incident when Jungguk couldn't win the bear plushie..The sad pout and sad eyes were not suited om Jungguk's face..And for some reason Taehyung didn't like the pouty face of Jungguk...

Taehyung isn't expert of reading people...But people can still get a sense of emotions by focusing on the eyes..With sadness, the eyes look heavy, droopy...And Jungguk was looking like that..

It is true that you can’t hide your feeling as it can clearly be seen by your eyes.

Taehyung knew that Jungguk wouldn't say his words openly so Taehyung bought that bear and told the shop owner to send that on a certain address...

"Baby...You also like LotteWorld... Remember we had so much fun on your last birthday?
I was so scared og height but you told me just to look at you..." Taehyung was talking to his baby star...

Taehyung chuckled when he remembered how Jungguk was enjoying every rides and Taehyung was so scared but he didn't show...

"He also likes rides just like you...I made a friend baby... After your gone, I made a friend by my heart...Do you think I did good?

He is good person you know..His smile always brings warmness in surrounding..His doe eyes are like twinkle in the twilight of another beautiful day....He treats me like he is not afraid of me...And...I....I feel good you know...I don't feel distance to him....I feel..I feel like he understand me...I feel parts of myself come together. Parts I thought couldn’t ever mix...When I’m with him, I feel a kind of calm."
Taehyung stopped talking...He stood up and walked towards his closet....He opened the closet door and took out a frame...

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