Chapter Twenty Four

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Taehyung is not in good mood today..He doesn't know why..But after waking up in the morning he was feeling pissed off..He didn't talk with his papa and dad today..He just had his breakfast silently and went out for the college... Nowadays he doesn't have energy to talk anyone,to bully anyone,to beat anyone..He is feeling exhausted...

Right now he is feeling same..He is in the class waiting for professor to come..He didn't have mood to attend any class today but his friends told him to attend one class at least so that their present can be added on the list..Or else they can't sit for the exam.. Taehyung doesn't care about the exam..He doesn't study at all..But somehow he managed to make good result in the examination...

The students stood up to bow their professor when he entered to the class... Taehyung didn't stand..He didn't have any spirit to do that...All the students sat down and professor started to talk...

"Before starting the class,I want to tell you there is a new student in our class...I hope you all will get along with him..." Professor said and all the students made a nod...

"Come in..." Professor called someone...

All the students looked at the entrance...They a saw a short boy came into the class..White skin,black hair,small eyes with glasses,holding his bag tightly....

"Introduce yourself..." Professor said...

"Hello I am Park Jimin...Nice to meet you all..." The new boy said and bowed to everyone as a courtesy....

Professor told him to take a seat and he took a seat in front... Taehyung smirked... Finally he will have fun today....

After one hour long class, Taehyung felt tired..He has another class and after that he will have a break..He decided he won't attend remaining classes....Another professor came and started to give lecture about Aves...

Taehyung has no interest so he is keeping his head down...

"Mr.Kim Taehyung it will be good if you give attention to your lecture not to your sleep.." The biology professor warned Taehyung...

Taehyung lazily looked up and ignored Professor words...All the students looked at him but his one glance made them to look down.. Taehyung has that aura...He saw the new boy didn'took down..He was looking at him.... Taehyung gave him a sharp glance but still Jimin didn't turn his eyes.... Taehyung found it interesting...

"Ready to have fun..." Taehyung mumbled and again put his head down on the table....

Soon the boring class finished and Taehyung and his fellas went out of the class... Before going Taehyung told his one friend to bring Jimin at his place...He has lot to ask and say...

Taehyung and his friends entered to his danger place and were waiting for Jimin...Jimin came with the other boy who went to call Jimin... Taehyung was playing with his blazer chain...

"Hello...Why did you call me??" Jimin bowed and asked...

"To teach you some rules of this college.." Taehyung said and stopped his playing...

"S-Sorry?" Jimin was hesitate...He knows very well that he was called for bullying....

"First rule.. Don't talk back to me...

Second rule... Don't play over smart with me...

Third rule... Don't interfere in my business and action..

Fourth rule...Just stay away from me as much you want..If I heard you do bad things and talk bad behind my back,that day will be your end..."

Taehyung said all those while gawking at Jimin...Jimin didn't understand what's happening actually..But smartly,he just nodded...

"Good....Now leave....And yeah.. Don't ever come into this please without my permission..." Taehyung warned again...

Jimin nodded...He exited from that place and shrugged off whole situation...He got a phone notification on his phone..He opened it and saw Hoseok hyung messaged him....

"We are waiting for you in our cafe...Come soon..." Jimin read and smiled...He is so excited to meet his hyung and Jungguk....He went to cafeteria to have his first lunch in the college....

"Taehyung let's go to cafe today after college.. It's been days we didn't go out..." Hisung said...

Taehyung thought.. It's true that he didn't hang out with his fellas..And today he is not in good mood..Maybe going out will change his mood ...

"Okay...You choose the place..Till then let me have a little nap..." Taehyung said and lay down on the bench to have a quick sleep..


"Jungguk give this order to table no.6" Hoseok instructed Jungguk.. Jungguk took the plate and walked to serve...He put the plate on the right table and gave a sweet smile to the customer....Today the cafe is so full .. Jungguk is happy .He loves the day when the cafe is filled with much people..He is also excited today...His Jimin hyung is going come to see him...

He specially made a little strawberry cake for Jimin...

Soon the cafe door is opened and Jungguk unknowingly turned his head towards the door...He widened his eyes....He didn't expect to see the person today ...His cheeks became red for unknown reason suddenly...He is feeling lots of butterflies on his stomach...

Taehyung is looking so damn handsome..With college bag,a cap, earrings,coat is hanging on one shoulder...He is really looking badass...

Jungguk and Taehyung's eyes met... Jungguk hurriedly moved his gaze...He didn't wanna make him embarrasse....He looked by corner eyes that Taehyung and his two friends sat down on the corner table...And waiter went to them to take the order... Jungguk returned to cash counter...He made him busy in some work so that he can ignore his pumping heart...He is so emerged in his work that he didn't notice someone came behind of him and hide his eyes with small hands...

"Junggukah...." Jungguk heard the known voice in his ear...He smiled...He hold the hand and moved them..He looked behind and saw his Jimin hyung was standing in front of him...

"Hahahaha..." Jimin laughed by seeing Jungguk's shock expression...

They hugged each other...Then Jimin signed to Jungguk which Jungguk answered immediately....Soon they engaged with each other by sharing sign language....

And someone was looking at them like he wanted to tear them apart from each other....

Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because it is associated with the sweetest.

Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because it is associated with the sweetest

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To be continue~~~

[Looks like someone is jealous👀

Is this start of something???

Will Jimin be the cause of the starting a new emotion???]

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