Chapter Two

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"Papa when will we reach there??" Taehyung asked while sipping his strawberry juice..

Seokjin sighed..His son was asking this question from the moment when the school was over... Actually they are going to Yoongi's house...Namjoon is in the office so Seokjin thought he should spend time in there...And Taehyung is also bothering him to go there last two days ..

"In five minutes baby...Why are you so impatient??"Seokjin said,eyes on the road because he is driving...

"I want to see kookie.."Taehyung excitedly said... Whenever he go to Yoongi's house,he feels excited...

"Oh I see..Do you love that little baby??" Seokjin asked with smile...

Taehyung continuously nodded..Seokjin chuckled at seeing his son's excitement..He is happy to see Taehyung like that because he knows his child is so quiet...He want Taehyung to feel himself in this age...And now Taehyung is doing it ..And the credits goes to someone ..

Soon they reached to Yoongi's house and went inside the apartment..When the maid opened the door, Taehyung ran inside so fast..He stopped his running when he heard Yoongi's voice ..

"Kookie...Come here .Eat this baby ..Then play how much you want..." Yoongi was sitting on his knees and was trying fed his brother.

Little brother...Min Jungkook...Two years old...

Taehyung saw how Jungkook was crawling here and there just to avoid Yoongi... Taehyung called that fluffy little baby by his given nickname ..

"Baby star.."

Jungkook stopped his crawling when he heard new voice in the house ..And that voice was known to him..He stood up with holding the floor by his hands and looked behind ..He saw his favorite person was standing in front of him but in little far away...He clapped happily when he saw Taehyung...His gummy smile with two little teeth were showing..Some drools were also dropping because of the heavy smile....Jungkook made some happy noise...

Taehyung ran to him and hugged the baby...The baby is freshly showered because Taehyung is smelling baby lotion...

"Baby..Eat that first then we will play..." Taehyung said and hold Jungkook..Jungkook also hold Taehyung's shoulder by his little,soft chubby hand....

Seokjin was smiling while watching the cute scene..He knows how Taehyung is attached to Jungkook from that day when Taehyung saw Jungkook on his arms...From that day, Taehyung whines to come Yoongi's house just to spend time with Jungkook..Yoongi also take Jungkook in the Kim mansion sometimes..In short, Taehyung and Jungkook are attached to each other...

After playing so long with Jungkook, Taehyung is tired ..He lay down on the floor.Jungkook saw Taehyung stopped playing..He tilted his cute little head just to see his favorite person...He crawled to Taehyung and lay down on top of Taehyung...

Taehyung giggled because he felt tickle...He hold Jungkook tightly and removed the drools which were coming from Jungkook's mouth..

"Baby star..I missed you so much yesterday...I want to see you and play you everyday.."Taehyung was talking with two years old baby who was looking at him with his doe eyes like he was understanding what Taehyung said...

"Why don't you talk to me??"Taehyung looked at Jungkook like he was complaining...

"Taehyung is angry with you.."Taehyung said..Jungkook was still looking at him..

"But I love you..." Taehyung said and hugged Jungkook... Jungkook's chubby cheeks were squished with Taehyung's body..

Yoongi and Seokjin were coming towards Jungkook's room to give them snacks but they stopped their steps when they heard something for which they were waiting eagerly...

"Ta-ae yungi" Jungkook said..

His first word.....

His first word

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To be continue ~~

[Sorry for late upload...I had no moods yesterday to upload...

Did you like this part??Please tell me

Baby Jungkook and Taehyung are really cute to imagine 😭💜]

ME,YOU AND OUR STAR [TAEKOOK]✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora