Chapter Nine

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Let unexpected incidents roll off you like raindrops dancing down your bedroom window.It rained very hard.It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty.When rain and tears are making a trip together, emotions can be coming under pressure. But the fluid bond between the power of nature and the frailty of the soul may also smash the weight of the burden and create a liberating mental flow opening new insights. The only noise now was the rain, pattering softly with the magnificent indifference of nature for the tangled passions of humans.

Rain has such as this much meaning of emotion...

In this unexpected rainy day, something unexpected happened with Taehyung...His whole body became wet because of the heavy raindrops...His eye blinks were frozen...The hand was shivering because of standing for long time in the rain... Taehyung was there but not fully was there..His mind is playing game with him...

He lost again....When he realized he is still alive in the world,he realized he again lost him..Because in front of him no one was there...

Was his delusional???
Or something else??
He looked here and there again...He ran and ran...He is sure he had seen him...It was Jungkook...His baby star....He was in front of him....With that starry doe eyes...The face he can't forget.....

Is his mind playing with him or his destiny???

"JUNGKOOK" Taehyung screamed loudly on the empty road....


"JUNGKOOK" He again called....

Again silence........

Taehyung fall down and hold his head....He wasn't sad...He was angry....He said to himself he never want to see that face...Then how now?????

It can't be....

The luck is really cruel...He still remembers that his baby star loved rain so much...And he met with him on this rainy day....But why did he diseppear??



Finally the eye's drops and raindrops mixed with each other like there are destined to meet this day....


"Hyungie when will Papa and Dad come??"Jungkook was munching cookies while watching movie...

Taehyung was reading beside him...
"I don't know...It is raining so much now..Maybe they are stuck in Ilsan.."Taehyung replied...

Jungkook switched off the movie and looked at Taehyung...

"Hyungie I am feeling boring..."Jungkook pouted.... Taehyung looked at him and shook his head by seeing Jungkook's state...

"Look at yourself why are you so messy eater?"Taehyung wipes the cookie's powder from Jungkook's mouth...

"Hyungie look my shirt is ruined by this cookies..."Jungkook said and acted like he was sad...

Taehyung understood what Jungkook was trying to say...He mentally chuckled...

"Go and take my hoodie..."Taehyung said..

Jungkook jumped out of excitement because he got permit to get Taehyung's hoodie...He doesn't know why but he loved Taehyung's hoodie...

"You are my best Taehyungie hyungie..."Jungkook said...

"Just Taehyungie hyungie???" Taehyung crossed his arms on his chest...

Jungkook became shy...He knows very well what Taehyung wanted to hear...

"You know that..."Jungkook said low tone...

"No I don't know anything...Tell me..."Taehyung said..

Jungkook humphed...

"My boyfriend.." He said and ran away from there hurriedly...

Taehyung laughed by seeing his baby star's shy gestures....

He again went to read...After some minutes Jungkook came and closed Taehyung's eyes by his hands... Taehyung hold the hands of Jungkook's...

"Now what do you want??" Taehyung knew that Jungkook wanted to do something...

"First promise you will agree .."Jungkook said...

"Okay..."Taehyung agreed without any thinking...He can't say 'No' to his love...

"Let's dance in the rain..."Jungkook said and moved his hands from Taehyung's eyes..

"What??Are you crazy Kookie???It is raining so heavily..You will get cold and fever...I can't let you get sick..."Taehyung said...

"Please Hyungie....Please...I never drench in the rain..With you,I want to experience this...Please it is one of my bucket list..."Jungkook pleaded...

And Taehyung can't ignore Jungkook's innocent eyes....

"Okay..Just for five minutes..." Taehyung just spoke and he was dragged in outside by Jungkook....

They danced in the rain...They laughed in the rain...They played in the rain... Taehyung saw how Jungkook was happy..He wanted to see this smile for forever....Just for him...Because Jungkook is only his...Only his.....


The rain doesn't ruin plans...It creates unexpected adventures....

In Kim mansion,Namjoon came hurriedly..Seokjin was reading book on the living room....He saw a maid came and took Namjoon's bag and coat...The face of Namjoon was worried... Seokjin understood something isn't right...

"Seokjin....He came today...." Namjoon said..

The book fall down from Seokjin's hand....His biggest fear is finally showed....

His biggest fear is finally showed

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

To be continue~~

[Sorry I couldn't upload yesterday...My pressure was low..But now I am fine....

Anyway what happened between Jungkook and Taehyung???

Why did Jungkook vanish??
And who came??
Tell me in the comments..I will try to give part ten tonight]

ME,YOU AND OUR STAR [TAEKOOK]✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin