Chapter Six

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"Mr.Yang please set the table for breakfast.." Seokjin said to the head chef of the house while coming down from the stairs...

"Yes Mr.Kim" Mr Yang replied and immediately went to set the table...

The main door was opened by Namjoon who came after jogging...Namjoon looked at Seokjin and smiled..Seokjin also did same..

"Go and fresh up..The breakfast will here soon.."Seokjin said and took the water bottle from Namjoon..

"Okay...Did he wake up??" Namjoon asked... Seokjin smile disappeared...

"No...I am going to wake him up.." Seokjin said..Namjoon noticed the sad expression of Seokjin...

"Don't worry..He will be okay again ..We are here with him..."Namjoon said to his husband..He knows he has to give support Seokjin in this time because Seokjin is so much worried for their son...For his son, Namjoon has to be strong...

Seokjin nodded and went to left side's stairs to go his son's room...Seokjin carefully opened the door without making any noise..He knows his son doesn't like noise surround him..Seokjin saw the room was dark..The cloths and books are here and there.. Snacks packet are messily lying on the floor...He shook his head as disappointed...

He looked up and saw his dearest son was sleeping in the corner of the bed like a little baby...The king size bed is looking like so big for him...Seokjin went to the window side and parted the curtains just to let the sunlight to come...The sunlight directly landed in his son's face...

Seokjin went close to his son and ruffled his hair...Some tears gathered around corner of his eyes..He quickly wiped them by his hand...

"Baby... Taehyungah...Wake up..." Seokjin softly tried to wake up Taehyung...

Taehyung didn't move a bit...Seokjin again tried...
"Baby..You have your college...Wake up..Dad is waiting for you on the table..."Seokjin said..

This time Taehyung woke up not because of Seokjin's words,because of the hot sunlight which was peaking out from the window.. Taehyung sat on the bed and wiped his drools...Seokjin chuckled at seeing his son's cute morning face...

"Go fresh up..We are waiting for you..."Seokjin said .. Taehyung didn't say anything...He stood up and went to the washroom... Seokjin became sad...He missed his old Taehyung who always hugged him after waking up...But now all things are changed....His Taehyung is changed....

Just for one person ...

After fifteen minutes, Taehyung came to downstairs to have breakfast...He is wearing simple cloths to go college after having breakfast...He saw his dad and papa are sitting on the dining area and he understood they were waiting for him...He sat on the dining chair and looked at his dad..

"Good morning..." Taehyung greeted..Namjoon smiled...

"Good morning Tae...How was your sleep?" Namjoon said..

"As usual.." Taehyung replied in boring tone...Namjoon understood his son is still hating him...He became sad...Seokjin noticed...

"Okay eat breakfast now..." Seokjin said and gave strawberry shake to Taehyung because it was Taehyung's favorite...And Taehyung took it without saying anything...Seokjin mentally smiled..He knows his son is not angry with them or hate them....He just needs time...

After the breakfast, Taehyung and Namjoon went outside to go to their destination...Namjoon offered Taehyung to come with him but Taehyung denied... Taehyung would walk to go to his college...Before walking,Namjoon called him from behind...

"Taehyungah....He wants to talk with you...Just listen to him for once..." Namjoon said...He is afraid to see Taehyung's reaction...But he had no other option to tell Taehyung it...

Taehyung clutched his fist...The vieny hand are the proof of his anger...

"Just tell him I don't want to hear anything...He is a liar...Just like you all.." Taehyung said it and started to walk towards his college...

Namjoon expected Taehyung's answer....Seokjin hold Namjoon's shoulder...

"Will he ever be back again like our Taehyung? I wish he would listen to him once...I want everything as normal like again...Will we see it?" Seokjin almost crying....

"My believe is that everything is going to be well again...Just have faith and patience..." Namjoon assured his husband which he really believes from his heart...


Somewhere in BUSAN two people are waiting for their car to come...

"Are you ready to go to Seoul bub??"The older man asked...

The boy with black hair nodded happily...The excitement can be seen on his face...

Destiny is ready to write an old story with a new magic....Are you ready to witness???

Are you ready to witness???

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To be continue~

[I will not say anything👀Just comment what you are feeling after reading this.C U SOON👀]

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