Chapter Forty Three

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Super shy...

Jungguk is feeling like that... Taehyung is sitting beside him....The rain is stopped now.. Jungguk still can't believe Taehyung knows about his feelings and Taehyung said to stay with him not as his friend.. Something more than like that... Though Taehyung didn't say clearly about his feelings but still it's enough for Jungguk... It's enough for Jungguk to have hope... It's enough for him to think about Taehyung daily... It's enough for him to smile while thinking about Taehyung's thoughts... It's enough for him to bake a strawberry cake for Taehyung... It's enough for him let his heart beats nonchalantly when Taehyung comes in front of him....

In short, Taehyung's one happy smile is enough for him to survive.....


But Jungguk can't help his thinking... Taehyung's has that much effects on Jungguk.. Jungguk is falling for Taehyung everyday...

Every hours..

Every minutes...

Every seconds....

And Jungguk will try his best to make a place on Taehyung's heart...He will do...

Taehyung knows what he said to Jungguk.. Taehyung knows about Jungguk's feelings on that day when he told about Jungkook to Jungguk...When he followed Jungguk he saw the letter dropped from Jungguk's pocket...When he opened it and read it his heart clutched...He didn't expect this...


Dear Taehyungie hyungie,

I know this is unexpected for you...For the first time I am writing a letter for someone..And that someone is you...I want to say many things to you but you know I can't...

I have no ability to talk like you all..But I hope this letter will let you feel my emotions...

Thank you hyungie for becoming a friend of a mute person...You know in the orphanage I had few friends..Many used to laugh at me,bullied me,hit me with things because I can't talk... After coming from Seoul,I thought my life would be same as before...But it changed...After meeting with you....

People say you are rude..Your aura is like that..But I never scared of you..I wanted to know the inside of your personality because I know you are not the same as you show...You are so different from this...I wanted to know this but you at first pushed me many times..I thought you didn't like me because I am mute.. Then I proved as wrong...You weren't like this...Thank you for becoming my friend...

I really enjoyed all the moments which I spent with you...Your family is so good hyungie..I love Jin uncle and Namjoon uncle...They love me like I am their family member... Thank you for introducing them to me.. Though you didn't... Hehehe...

I am not boring you right??? Actually I want say all those words which I wanted to say to you in these days but couldn't find courage...

I want to confess a thing to you hyungie...

I like you hyungie.....

Not as a friend...More than that... It's my first feelings for the first time which I felt for someone and that someone is you..

I don't want any answers from you.. I just wanted to share my feelings to you.. I hope you will not break our friendship for this...

I just don't want to bury my feelings for situation and time..So I told you..

My feelings are real for you hyungie... I love how you think so strongly.. I love how you protect your close one... I love how you keep silent to yourself and listen others.. I love how you don't judge people by their appearance.. I love your boxy smile.. I love your sharp almond brown eyes which are holding so many untold emotions...

ME,YOU AND OUR STAR [TAEKOOK]✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن