Episode 9

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the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

TELEPATHY: Sirens can read the minds of their targets, learning what it is that person desires and yearns for in others

TW: Attempted R⚠️PE


Milanis heart beats in her chest as she gasped for air, trying to inch closer and closer to the ocean water.

"Please.. please.." she rasped out her eyes flickering.  


"WAIT SO.. we all got some type of shit wrong wit us now?" India exclaimed eating a bloody rare steak.

"Yea apparently, also you fuckin that shit up!" Durk laughed as she smacked the back of his head making him hiss.

"Where's Milani?" Von asked as the table went silent, they'd texted Milani an hour ago to meet at the diner and she's still a no show.

On the other side of town Milani was just waking up from her nap.

She could smell the air although her eyes were closed, it smelt like saltwater and she opened her eyes to be on the docks shore as she was confused.

For the past 2 weeks she'd had no dreams but was overly paranoid for no reason, but last night she had the urge to visit the ocean but ignored it and went back to sleep.

She got up out of the sand to see her wearing a white dress that she definitely did not fall asleep in and her car keys were in her hand.

"This is some sketchy shit..." She whispered to herself as she walked to where her car was parked and unlocked the doors.

She got in her car and immediately frowned her face up at the smell of something rotten, she looked in her rearview mirror to see her skin glowing and more dewy than usual as her heart went into overdrive.

"Though sirens don't need to feed.. but when they do their skin will be supernaturally beautiful, as in dewy skin, enhanced features.. goddess like, if you somehow feed contact me immediately." Ms Granda's voice rang out in her head.

There was something else in the rearview mirror, a man.

She turned to see the man's eyes fully white, a chunk of his neck bit out as it looked like he was drowned and eaten.

"What the fuck.." tears brimmed her eyes as she looked at the now dead man as her heart raced.

She watched as his body vanished, turned to ash in front of her as her jaw slacked.

Not only did she kill a man, but she has his ashes.

"Oh God." She placed her head against the steering wheel, the metallic taste of blood still in her mouth.

Making it to Ms Granda's house after going home, changing and grabbing a blue vase and placing the ashes inside as she went inside the house seeing the front door open.

"Grandma?" She called out and on cue saw her grandmother Walking out the kitchen with a cup of tea.

"Do you remember anything?"


"Take a sip of the tea, then concentrate." She instructed as Milani took a sip and relaxed.

Late night at 3:33 am Milani walked along the shore of the sand with a smile on her face dressed in a white dress, prancing around.

"Are you even coming home?" She could hear a female ask as the male spotted her and smiled.

"Yea.. iah be there in a second." He said hanging up as Milani turned to face him as he stalked closer looking at the woman seeing how innocent she looked.

"Whatchu doing out hea alone mama?" He asked as her and her skin crawled, a primal feeling clawing at her gut as she tried to ignore it.

"Why.." she backed up as he neared closer,.

"Say.. what's ya name" he ignored her question and asked her one instead.

She stumbled back as she fell into the start of the water, breathing hard as he kneeled in front of her with a smile.

She felt herself being pushed onto the floor and held down as the tears brimmed her eyes.

"Please get off of me" she pleaded as she tried to search his face for an ounce of humanity in the pale moonlight.

"Shut up." He growled at her as he tried to hear in for a kiss, she clawed at his face as he ripped the necklace off of her neck.

She could hear his pants unzipping as she went in and out of consciousness, looking out onto the ocean weakly from being choked she saw a head barely above the water, pale green eyes boring into hers.

"Kill him Milani. It's the only way."

The ocean water made contact with her skin as she felt her strength returning, he lined himself up with her entrance as she used her newfound strength to kick him.

He stumbled back as her body went into auto pilot, hovering over him she dug her teeth into his neck.. the splurging of raw flesh engulfing her senses as she sucked the blood from his body stealing his youth in the process.

When she finished she dragged him to her car and placed him in the back, breaking his phone in half and discarding it she went back to the ocean shore where the person she saw in the water no longer stayed as she looked to the moonlight.

"And that's what happened.." She explained looking at Ms Granda who pursed her lips.

"He deserved that, but I must tell you now.. now that you've taken your first kill you're going to experience some shit" she said stirring her tea.

"Like a very heightened period.. for the next month." She said as Milani straightened in her seat.

"Do sirens have time travel?"

"Ha ha. Very very funny."

Sitting in the diner the group received the same text.

"Meet me on the docks at 12." It read


This chapter is shitty but I wanna hurry and build to the plans I got

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