Episode 7

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THE PROBLEM WITH BEING A SIREN IS SIMPLE, the back lash.. the line that separates dream from reality.

"I'm sorry.. what?" Milani muttered bitterly after hearing news from her doctor.

"You simply cannot have a baby.. our hospital hasn't seen a case like yours in 20 years or so.." Her doctor, Bernadette said as she tried comforting Milani.

"Are you sure.." She questioned the doctor who all but simply nodded as Milani gathered her things, she wondered when a simple doctors trip turned to the worst day of her life but she couldn't fathom it if she wanted to.

She sped away when she arrived at her car, if she had it her way she'd be driving 100mph and drinking the heaviest thing ever but it was her fault.


"Grandma..I must admit I am afraid.. what if my future child carry the trait of being a siren as well.. what will I say or do?"  A worried Milani said drinking a cup of tea.

Her grandmother sighed and adjusted her round glasses as Milani looked at her with a confused face at her sudden sulking.

"Lani... You may not be able to have any sort of offspring... it's very rare for the girls in your bloodline to have any, sort of why sirens aren't around as much as they used to be."

Milanis heart broke into two as she stood up and started pacing.

"You mean I'll never have a biological child..." she trailed off looking at her grandmother as she nodded.


Milani played with the hem of her hoodie as she listened to India talk about Durk as she started humming Anna Kendrick's cup song.

"Are you listening..." India asked as her best friend zoned back in.

"I'm sorry Di.. just thinking... continue" she sighed out as her best friend shook her head.

"Aht. Don't play coy. What's going on." India asked as she leaned back into her seat.

Milani played with the spoon to her Icecream as she held back tears that threatened to spill.

"I can't have a baby." She said barely above a whisper.

"What..." India inquired hoping what she heard wasn't true.

"I can't have a baby, India." Milani said as tears fell out of her eyes and onto the creme colored table of the Icecream parlor.

"Oh Mimi..." was all her best friend could say as they hugged.

"Wanna do something fun?" She whispered into her friends ear as Milani chuckled through tears and nodded.

The fair was fairly crowded but not too much as her and India walked holding cotton candy and turkey legs.

A set of arms draped around the two women as they looked.

Durk smiled widely as Milani looked beside him to see Dayvon as the two aquatints shared a longing look.

The two did a once over of each other as small smiles made their way onto their faces.

"Hi..." she muttered first as he walked alongside her.

"Hey. You good?" He asked noticing her usually confident posture slightly faded as she looked tired.

"Rough day." She answered as the group stopped in front of a swing ride where you swing in the air.

"Let's go!" India said as she pushed the two to the front of the line as the conductor seated people by twos.

As the two sat near each other they grazed skin making Milani tense up as she felt the world go dark.

"Ya think?" He asked Durk holding a diamond ring with a smile on his face as he rocked an infant.

"Hell yeah man after all this she bett-" he was cut off by the world clouding back together.

"I asked if you was good ?" Von looked at Milani with a smirk on his face.

"Ye- oh my God we are high as fuck!" She exclaimed holding onto her seat latch as he laughed at her sudden realization.

She looked over at him as he licked over the two plump mounds on his face watching them  become soaked in his saliva as he stared at her round angel like lips as they pulled into a small smile.

"Misharron wants to face time.." she heard his phone speak as she looked out into the sky watching as the moon turned a shade of unusual pink.

As the ride lowered to the ground, she could hear a mother softly scolding her children as Milani's shoulders slumped.

She would never have that... she could never have one of her own.

Everyone parted ways when the clock struck midnight, but Lani found herself sitting by the docks looking unto the beautiful blue waves of the water as she lowered herself down, the only light being one of the moons.

She removed the shell encrusted gem from her neck and set it in a pouch of sand as she felt her legs conjoin.

Going out into the water she swam far enough that she could hear a pin drop, the whirring of an engine nearby was the only thing that caused her to slip out of the harmonic trance as she looked at the white boat, the sculpture upon it appeared to be a siren with a spear going through its back, she swam a bit faster, going underneath the surface to avoid being caught by the fisherman.

By the time she reached the surface she hoisted herself onto the dock and felt around for her necklace, as she retrieved it she held it into the air happily and as she snapped it around her neck, she was cut off by a loud voice.

"What the fuck!" she turned her body to be met with a wide eyed India, Durk, and Von who looked at her in a sense of familarity.

"Goddamnit." she muttered.

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