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"Jen, I-I'm sorry this happened. It was foolish of me to think I could replace Krystal with you. I was desperate to have someone that I didn't think enough before I did what I did."

Kai looked down as he placed his cup back on the table, ashamed of what he did.

"What's done is done. A part of it was my fault, I led you."

"No. You told me at the very first you were here only for Kyler but I used him to try to gain you. Don't blame yourself Jen. Your only mistake was hurting Lisa when you've neglected her."

Then it was my turn to drink from the cup of shame.

"Where's Kyler?"


It took him minutes before asking.

"Do you really need to tell him, Jen? Won't this break my son's heart? I'm sorry I sound selfish again, I can't help but worry."

Kai wearily gazed.

I drew a deep breath and answered.

"Do you think I'm unaware? I cherished the boy for these past months. I've learned what he likes and don't. I've seen how good both you and Krystal raised him. All the more he doesn't deserve getting all his hopes up for us to disappoint him."

"Then we don't need to disappoint him Jen, you can still come here and meet my son and if you and Lisa got back, you can even bring her here."

My lips curved downward at the mention of Lisa and I getting back.

I don't want that to be a what if.

And so I needed to sort all these no matter who I hurt or leave. After all they are not my true family.

"You're wrong Kai. Just being a mother to another's kid is already a chunk hard to swallow for my wife. Added to that it's no different than cheating. I want my wife back Kai, and I am deeply sorry that I will hurt Kyler by somehow leaving."

The man that used to be my former lover roamed his sight towards the ceiling as if he could find an answer to this.

But he found none.

"I understand. Even if I was at your place, I would feel the same. I'm sorry I'm a desperate father."

I silently nodded to acknowledge his apology.

"Do you want me to talk to Lisa? I can clear up things."

He asked.

"No, it's alright. I should be the one to talk to her. I'm her wife, I need to face this. But thanks for concern. "

"Anything I could do, just call me."

Kai is a good man. He used to be my former lover and best friend before Lisa came and completely swooned me.

We broke up before the summer started, we have both became so busy with our lives him being the captain of the soccer team while I was at cheerleading. We separated with good intentions that's probably the reason we never really had our connection cut.

"I wish you the best Kai, I know you will find a woman who will not only look out for you but your son as well."

Kai smiled to me sadly as he replied.

"I still miss Krystal sometimes. I don't know why she had to die so young, why it must be her that suffers that disease, why must we be fated too short to be together."

"If all the years she spent with you, you had made her so happy, believe me she would be wishing nothing more. She's at peace Kai, it would be her happiness to see you going on with your life and taking care of your kid."

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