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I woke up early not only I would have to go to work, but I will also try to cook something for my wife.

I'm not good at the kitchen, I even hate to be near it.

But clearly, Jennie is not in the right state so I have to do things for us. Anyway that's what our sworn oath is all about, for sickness and health.

For the things one isn't capable, one must fulfill.

Just this time, my kitten would have to bear these overcooked hotdogs and eggs but for the next ones, I promise to learn more by providing a bit of my schedule for some cooking class.

Smiling a little, I prepared the table.

If Ellie can see, my son would surely laugh and tease me. I remembered the moment when he and I were left at the house for 2 days since Jen has medical mission in rural.

His face was priceless when he had a taste of the food I cooked, but nevertheless he ate all of it and awarded me kisses.

"Dada, you said I should always be honest."

Confused, I nodded to my son.

"Well, the hotdogs and eggs aren't that good...but! But!"

When a frown made its way to my face, he held my chin and tried stretching my lips to a smile.

"I love it Dada, that's like the best hotdogs and eggs in the world...well next to mommy's."

He whispered and teased before I attacked his body with tickles he was unaware.

Sighing deeply, I erased the memory in my head and proceeded to wake my other half.

"Hon? Wake up, time for breakfast."

She groaned and buried herself more on the pillow.

Literally, a baby like Ellie.

"Come on Jen baby, we will be late to work."

With what I uttered, her eyes flickered and stared straight towards mine.

Dead and cold.

I tried to hold her close, but she slapped my hands.

"Don't. Just don't. And please, if you want me to settle myself on the table, leave."

I'm sure I wasn't deaf, but not before this moment I wish I was.

Loud buzzing banged my hearing before I was able to cope and comprehend my surrounding.

Jennie with her eyes closed, rolled to the other side of the bed to erase a sight of me.

I can only feel a single tear escaping my left eye which I let to freely fall.

"I love you, kitten."

I stood and left the room.

Losing my appetite, I covered the food on the table. Fixed myself and immediately departed from the suffocating environment.

I drove towards the company I own, with a heavy heart that can only dream when I get back, at least a smile of my wife greets me.

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