Blessings and Relationships (49)

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Charlie's pov

Having revealed the truth to my students, it soon spread, and everyone knew about our relationship. I was used to social media so I didn't really mind but Connor was often embarrassed when a student he barely knew would suddenly approach him only to congratulate him on getting with me then walk away without any further explanation provided.

In this world, it wasn't uncommon or frowned upon to be in a same sex relationship. The standards on these relationships were the same as on a straight relationship, if not slightly more lax, as these relationships were seen as truer love because the implications of a same sex relationship was that your family pine ended with you (if you have no siblings) and for nobels especially this is a big deal. Aristocrats are notorious for being obsessed with legacies and continuing their family name/ line, so ample respect is given by most to those in love enough that they would sacrifice that. Of course, there are occasionally those who can't except same sex relationships, but once again this is rare and mostly occurs amongst older nobels who will only care when it affects their legacy and families 'survival'. Simply translating to "I don't accept you (their child/grandchild/ other form of decendent) being in a same sex relationship because then there will be no new generation to carry our family name!" They won't care if it doesn't affect them in 99% of cases. This is another reason I was unfazed by everyone finding out about our relationship. It's not like my mother or brother would disown me over it or try to hinder either of us as a result.

I was surprised, however, when I was informed accidentally by my boyfriend that the spoiled prince was dating Lance! He was honestly shocked when I told him I was unaware, then shortly after his shock settled, he burst into laughter as he teased me for being dense.

My face was burning for the rest of that morning, and as a result, in class after that, when I was teaching the class, I couldn't help staring at the two of them in obvious disbelief. What made it worse was that I was apparently so obvious about it that halfway through the class, Chloe upright asked what was so unbelievable regarding Jamie and Lance.

I ended up embarrassingly pulling the two out of class then and there to ask the two of them about it - since I didn't wany yo out them if it was a secret - turns out it wasn't, literally everyone knew and they assumed I did too, especially since I would do willingly offer up my office whenever I asked which I hadn't thought about until the moment they brought it up. Its safe to say I won't be lending them my office again for a while...

Up until this point, I'd been thinking that Connor was exadurating when he called me dense. I've always been labelled a prodigy, so how am I suddenly dense? I'd naively thought. Realising my error when confronted with reality, I decided to recruit help from a friend I knew would be able to fill me in, Litisea.

It may be cheating to use a literally goddess as my gossip source, but hey, if it ain't broke...

When I tell you I was given a divine revelation after a quick chat with my home girl! In the span of half an hour, I was filled in on all the tea in school and even a bit about the other gods.

For starters: Melissa is dating a girl named Bee who goes to a different school; Chloe is dating Jacob, the cheeky boy I taught last year who I'd honestly forgotten was a capture target due to the difference in my first impression in this life compared to his impression in the original game; I found out that Kyle has a crush on Zachary and has been trying to court him but due to his stoic aperance he's been struggling, I internally decided to set up an opportunity for them to bond since I low-key think they'd be a cute couple; that back during the time before I was reincarnated hans blessed me during my time unconscious so that time he 'blessed' me after everyone else, he was just teasing me! That was all just the surface level knowledge I acquired from our conversation.

The iceberg of gossip in my brain is bigger than the one that sank the titanic!

After learning everything I now know, it took me some time to be able to face connor again. The shame that engulfed me upon having to be informed by a literal higher power that my boyfriend, Connor, was actually planning our 'accidentally meetings' and was flirting the entire time whilst I thought he was just bring friendly! I almost died of embarrassment on the spot when Litisea brought it up, and she was so casual about it! I couldn't help complaining, like that's my actual life. Why are you laughing at my stupidity without doing anything to help?!

I didn't think I could face him at all after that, but it didn't take long for me to forget about my shame upon seeing him at lunch. I do, however, still feel salty that Litisea let me make an absolute fool of myself. I also couldn't help questioning Roman since he supposedly blessed me as the god of love. Why am I so hopeless?! I demand answers!

Considering we're all meant to be friends I feel slightly bitter that none of them told me I was being a fool, the only one who I forgave was chase, because he was as clueless as me and is apparently equally dense about love because Litisea couldn't wait to secretly drop the bomb that Mag has a mega crush on Chance but the boy is too dull to see it, not that I'm one to talk though, based on recent events.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

One more to go! I tried to plop in a bit more about the world and other events but let me know if it comes across as too random and if it is I'll try go back to make it less so, if all else I'll rewright the chapter (although i hope its okay and doesnt come to that!)

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