Teaching Manners (19)

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Due to my firm statement creepy guy and lackey #1,2 and 3 all glared at me before creepy guy showed a sinister grin on his face and got up to leave. I stopped him because he needed to pay.

"Hey, you can't just leave!"
"Oh, I thought you didn't like us?" Lackey #3 said in a cocky tone.
"I don't, but you have to pay for your drinks." I replied bluntly.

A low grumble escaped the groups lips and a hateful look decorated there eyes within. Great! Not.

"Sir's please pay your bills then kindly vacate the premises as you are now hindering my work and making it so I am incapable of serving other customers." I said with a faltering fake smile and impatience.
"Sorry not sorry sweet cheeks, we won't be paying for anything at this crummy place, your business sucks, in the bad way!" Creepy guy said with a tone that made me want to drop all politeness and just kick him between the legs, HARD!
"Sir, pay your bill before something unpleasant is forced to happen."
"Like what?!" Lackey #2 sneered.
"Like you being the last person in your family line." I said with a sliver of bloodlust slipping out with my voice before I quickly caught it and stopped.

Creepy guy and his crew all went pale paced instantly then they went green and then settled on a crimson red colour. Wow, that was cool, I wonder how they did that?

"Are you threatening me!" Said the now red faced creepy guy with a snarl, I can imagen steem coming from his ears with his kettle screech and face flushed from anger.
"Sir, I'm simply reminding you to pay your bill before you vacate these premises', quickly." I said with my same service smile.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever...!" Lackey #1 chided with a bead of sweat dripping down the back of his neck.
"That would be 3 gold sirs." I said with a more chipper tone.
"3 gold!?" Creepy guy screeched, causing me to frown due to the heavy impact it had on my sensitive ears.
"That's daylight robbery!" He continued on, resulting in a deeper grimace settling on my face.
"Sir, you ordered 4 large beers, caused a disruption to our business and harassed me, your server. That is a crime but yet we are only charging a slight amount extra for compensation, if brought to the court the compensation needed would be much larger!" I rebuked with righteous indignation.
"What! Court?! No we don't need to go to court, we'll just pay and take our leave. We promise not to cause further issues to your business Mr!" Creepy guy and his lackeys quickly chimed. Pft, pathetic. These idiots don't know but everything I said is nonsense. What you don't know can't hurt you, right? Ha!
"Alright, thank you for your patriotism!" I said with my best professional attitude, apparently unbothered by the commotion caused by these customers.

I finished my shift just as they left so went to the back room to get changed when the boss called me out.
"Pst! Come here!"
"How'd yuh do tha'?"
"Experience. Why?"
"Could yah teach mah daugh'er a bi' bou' tha'?"
"Uh..., sure?"
"Thanks a bunch mr!"

With that I went to the back room and changed back into my adventurer gear and grabbed my weapons before the owner set up a meeting so I could teach his daughter a bit about dealing with difficult customers and signed the confirmation that I completed the quest with a heafty bonus, yay!

On my way to redeem my first quests reward from the guild I stumbled upon Creepy guy and his crew, I decided to 'talk' to them about there disrespectful attitudes.

"Hey, Creep!" I called out whilst strolling into the classic dark, dinghy alleyway.
"Who are you!" He yelled back not recognising my voice till he turned around and saw me whith an evil looking snear plastered across my face and a sinister aura escaping through my gaze which held pure, undisguised disgust.
"Aw, you forgot me already?" I asked in a sarcastic and strangely coy sounding voice, contrasting my expression greatly.
"Wait... its the server!" Lackey 1 cried out in surprise at my current appearance, I guess?
"Oh! You do remember!" I said with clearly faked and exaggerated enthusiasm.
"I'd hate to try teach you to right your wrongs when you've forgotten them!" I said with genuine glee.

They visibly paled and seemed to shrink back in fright, sadly for them, there appears to be only one way in or out and I'm currently stood in its way so there stuck here till I decided otherwise.

With my speech spoken and a slight blush creeping up my neck, ears and cheeks from the embarrassment I got from saying such a cheesy line, I started to 'teach' them the wrongs of there ways with some... MINOR violence.

Remember violence is never the answer!


Violence is the question, and the answer is always yes!


After 20 minutes I was done 'educating' the thugs and I had gotten myself dirty due to my 'special teaching methods' it sucked but I just decided to speed up my pace so I could finish what I had set out to do before I could wash off the blood and tears of my 'students'.

I am such a good, law abiding citizen! I even help clean up petty criminals, I'm like a cuter, magical batman! I'm 100% a good guy, just a bit harsher than some others so as an act of extra kindness I put up a sign so the faint of heart don't have to stumble upon the aftermath unprepared as it is a bit... messy.

That felt great, perfect for releasing stress whilst doing good deeds for the community and even gaining some money as an added bonus.

I'm on my way home with my guild reward now and I'm getting a bad feeling as I walk through the woods...


Hope you enjoyed, sorry for slow update, had some writers block.

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