Tigers (20)

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3rd person pov

The boy who had been walking through the woods alone in disguise was caught by surprise and thrown across the forest until he came to an abrupt stop due to crashing into an old tree.


After being thrown across the forest by the mysterious force the boy struggled against the pull of unconsciousness which clung to him due to a wound which had made itself at home on the boys, otherwise clean, head. After a few minutes fighting against the comforting embrace of unconsciousness which beconed him, the boy pried his eyes open to see the cause of his unexpected flight. He saw through his blured eyes a blob of white and black with two glowing green dots, which was steadily approaching him. It currently stood about 15 paces away and was advancing without rush.

10 paces away, the boy struggled to sit up without much success.

7 paces away, the boy struggled onto his butt with his back against the tree as his vision started to clear, and the blob began to take a more solid shape. It now resembled a large 4-legged predator.

5 paces away, the boys vision had cleared, and before him, he realised it was a white and black striped tiger. Its eyes glowed green, and they held a lazy pride aswell as a sense of amusement at the boys' struggle.

3 paces away, the boys arms could touch the tigre if he reached them fully out before him, with the last of his tired brain cells giving there all before he passed out from his wound and or his fear, he muttered under his breath an incantation for a powerful fire magic.

1 pace away, the tigres breath steadily caused the boys hair to flutter up as its breaths brushed against his head, eye to eye with the glowing green pupil's of the predator, pride and smugness overflowing in its casual demeanour before the boy.

As the tiger lazily raised its paw to claw at the boy and end his fragile life, the boy finally said his last word before a large explosion went off with his magics activation.


The boy was blown through the tree he lay against, and the tiger was blown to pieces due to being the starting point of the explosion. Its blood rained down on the forest and the newly created clearing. Falling on the boy as his eyes started to cloud.


The boy lost his fight for consciousness, slipping into unconsciousness, defenceless. The boy was left alone in the woods among a blanket of beast blood, fallen leaves, and scorched grass as well as trees. The boy lay there unmoving as the sun finished setting, casting a dreamy filter over the nightmarish scenery left behind after the interaction of man and beast.

Hours slowly drizzled by and after 5 hours when the witching hour arrived a small, white feline found the scene and dragged the unconscious boy to the river, as the boy lay by the edge the tigre cub, with bright blue eyes which held anger, pushed the boy into the water ruthlessly.


Charlie's pov

"Ahh! Cold!"

Wait, why am I in the river? Are my injuries infected? How long have I been unconscious? Did I die again?

Wait, if I died, I'd be in the waiting room again, but I'm not, I'm in a river, and it's dark out...



Wait... It's a cub, a white tiger cub...



Calm down, Charlie. How do you placate an upset tiger cub, whose parent you just killed in self-defense, so that it likes you?

I don't know!

But it's so cute! But also scary!

Why do I have to be like this?

I should just kill it, but it's just a baby!

A cute, fluffy, small,



A breeze blew past and caused a chill to shoot up my back bringing the fact that I'm waist deep in cold water at night back to the forefront of my mind, dealing with the cub is a problem for future Charlie, present Charlie has to get out of this water and into a clean, dry and warm chamge of clothes.


And so I did. I got out of the river and I realised how much I was shivering for one and blood was in the water around me. I can't tell if it's mine or the tigers, but regardless, it's a scary sight in the dead of night.

I managed to find my way back to my cabin in the woods, and I started a fire. I got my change of clothes ready and set my soaked clothes to dry by the fire after ringing them out outside. They were mostly dry by the time they were set by the fire, and my change of clothes was on my body after I dried myself. My hair was taking a while to dry like normal when I left it to air dry, but I didn't have the mana to waist on hair dryer magic to speed up the process. Towels exist in this world and I am using one but it's still a lot more time consuming than what I'm used to so I simply went to sleep top less, forgetting that a small white feline had followed me home.

Imagine my surprise when a young boy appeared by the bottom of my bed when I opened my eyes after the awful sleep I managed to get after the fiasco of the previous night.

"Mr., you look really weak... but... you killed my mom even though she was the strongest in our clan before we were exiled!" I heard the boy whispering from by my feet.
"So... I'll follow you as the leader of the pack, even if I'm the only one in it!"


"Kid, who are you? How did you get in my house? What was that about following me?" I asked with my head muddled from lack of sleep as well as the head trauma I received yesterday.


Hope you enjoyed it!

Pictures aren't mine. They are from Google!

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