Magic prodigy and gossiping with the gods (9)

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Magic affinity is checked by a crystal ball that glows different colours based on your affinity/ affinities.

The colours are as follows :

Fire is red
Water is blue
Earth is dark green
Wind is yellow
Ice is dark blue
Snow is light blue
Plant is light green
Dark is black
Rock is brown
Lava is dark orange
Sound is dark pink
Healing is light pink
Lightning is light orange
Light is white
Ash is grey
Destruction is dark red
Hypnosis is light purple
Curse is dark purple

The first of my friends to be called up for the test was Lilly. Her full name was Lilly Connie and she is a commoner surprisingly. The ball glowed blue, dark green and light green.

Next about half an hour later was Zack's turn. The ball glowed dark green, yellow and red.

After another hour it was my turn. I stepped up to the platform. As I approached the altar and crystal ball I could hear my heart beat frantically beating in my ears like a drum. When I finally got there I took a deep breath and reached towards the crystal ball. Suddenly I felt a coolness flow into my body as a little of my energy left my hand. The ball shone and I closed my eyes. When I finally opened them after hearing silence I saw something amazing. There was a rainbow of colors shining out. Mainly red, yellow, blue, dark green, light pink, light orange and dark blue. There where other colours but they were a lot dimmer than those I listed.

After a minute had passed it finally set in and the room erupted into gossip and the words "magic prodigy" were thrown around.

I quickly retreated down the steps and ran to my parents. I guess my eyes betrayed my worries as they soon comforted me that it was a good thing and that I was just really smart.

Mag thanks but really?

Oh, on that note I had an idea.

"Mummy, daddy can I go pray please?" I asked giving them my perfected puppy eyes.
"Sure hun, just don't get lost." My mother said whilst my dad nodded.

With permission I ran off. Once I was our of the main hall during the break as it had just turned 12 and the last child had checked there affinity, that child happened to be me, I asked a white priest if he could show me to a private prayer room to which he kindly obliged.

After a five minute walk I arrived at a big oak door with golden doorknobs. I pushed the door open and walked in before closing it behind me.


With the click of the door locking I turn to grab a pillow and sit on it cross legged on the floor. I put my hands into the prayer position (🙏) and close my eyes before starting the most stupid prayer of my two lives.

"Um, hi Chance... or whatever god is getting my prayer, if anyone is.... so how are you? I'm assuming that one of the gods or goddesses I met before can hear me. If it is, is there a way I can talk to Chance... if it isn't Chance listening. If there's no one listening I'm going to feel really embarrassed later. Haha... um Chance if you can hear me I was wondering if you got an answer from the others yet? And if you did if I could know what it was?" I prayed, slightly red in the face. What do you expect! It's embarrassing, especially if it turns out that I'm talking to myself!
"Pft!" Echoes a vaguely familiar sounding voice from seemingly nowhere yet simultaneously everywhere.
"Ceecee!?" I called somehow feeling more embarrassed than if I was talking to myself.
"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to laugh." Ceecee consoled me in an amused tone.
"It's really you!" I exclaimed, my face gradually recovering from my embarrassment.
"Of course, it's my shift." She confirmed in a matter-of-the-fact way.
"Oh okay that's great, I guess that means I can talk to Chance this way as long as its his shift!" I stated in an accomplished tone.
"I could call him over to talk to you if you like?" Ceecee asked in a playful way.
"Yes please!" I replied exited to be able to talk to Chance again.


"Hello...?" Called the voice of the god who I'm blessed to call my friend,pun intended, only to him and me though.
"Hey Chance!"
"Hi Charlie, how are you enjoying your new life?" He asked trying to start a somewhat normal conversation.
"Great, for the most part. I was surprised finding out I'm a boy in this life." I giggled before continuing, "how's your work as a god going, anything interesting happen since I reincarnated?" I queried.
"Well... Minny came out as lesbian and Roman started trying to set her up an a date with Lexi. It's kind of funny since the only one surprised was Winny. She's the only one who's straight but Ceecee says she's not convinced and that she and Lucky seem to close to be just friends, well that's what Litisea told me." Chance babled which left me interested and chuckling.
"You must be good friends with Litisea to have that memorised!" I laughed with tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I laughed so hard my sides started hurting. "Oh, by the way, you said Winny is the only straight one out of you guys, how's that?"
"Well Litisea is lesbian and currently dating Ceecee who's bi. Then there's Roman and Temer who are both gay and are dating. Tuto is bi but single at the minute and Mag is pan. Lexi is also lesbian whilst Joy and Bob who are dating are bi and pan respectively. (Joy's bi and bobs pan incase that was confusing.) Minny's lesbian, Winny's straight and I'm gay although we're all single at the minute, much to Romans displeasure. Then, there's Lucky who is omnisexual and Hans who is pan, there also both single." Chance explained.
"Wow, that's impressive..." I mumbled dumbfounded over how he remembered that all and said it in a way that actually made sense. I looked up, since I'd opened my eyes earlier when Chance was explaining the sexualities of the deities, it was almost the end of the break and I needed to wrap this conversation up quickly. "Chance I have to go soon just a few things quick?" I quickly queried
"Yeah?" He replied.
"What did the others say about.... being friends with me?" I asked a bit nervous.
"Oh they said they would love to be friends!" Chance laughed out.
"That's great! Then one last thing before I go, can I talk to you guys at anytime by praying or do I have to come to the church and use a prayer room like I did today?" I asked curiously.
"Oh you can just pray as long as you call one of us by our name we'll know it's you and respond if we can!" Chance explained.
"Great, well I'll talk to you guys again later. Bye Chance!" I said before getting up.


Hope you enjoyed.

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