Halloween Extra!

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*The content of this chapter is irrelevant to the direct plot*

Charlie's pov

"Is everyone here?" I asked as I glanced around the room at my friends.
"Yep!" Chance replied waving a thumbs up at me from beneath a white bed sheet he was using as a ghost costume.
"So first up on the spoopy schedule is dunking for devilish apples!" I announced as I grabbed the bucket of water with red apples bobbing around in it.

Lance who was dressed as a black knight grabbed Jamie who was dressed as a princess off of his lap and placed him in front of the bucket.
"Princess here has a gift for grabbing things with vermouth so why doesn't she go first?" He declared with a smirk and an evil chuckle.

Jamie flushed in the face but didn't deny anything as he simply took a step towards the bucket and grabbed his hair back and then began to try and grab an apple in his mouth. Within only 20 seconds he raised his soaked face with a red apple now present in his mouth. Lance casually crept over and wiped the remaining water grapples from his lashes before he bit into the apple still in Jamie's mouth.

After the strange couple's antics, everyone else went about their turn normally and before I knew it it was time for the next 'evil event'.

"Now that everyone has had a snack it's time to test if you have a lion's courage or a cub's cowardice?" I informed the group with a laugh, "It's time for the test of courage!"

The test was really simple, in my back garden we had set up a few scary carved jack-o-lanterns and hanging props, then in pairs, you have to enter the dark tree line and the longer you stay in the designated area the better your results. The top time is 10 minutes because after that it's someone else's turn.

I was paired with Connor and when we went in I already knew where everything should have been roughly. To my surprise, Connor was much more afraid as he clung to me the entire 10 minutes we were in the dark forest.

In the end, we were the only group to make it the full 10 minutes so we won and got the pumpkin patch crowns and were where crowned the rulers of the pumpkin patch this hallows eve!

After the competition, we all just hung out and watched some scary movies whilst bingeing sweets.


Hope you enjoyed!

Happy Halloween!

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