Finally, or not? (3)

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3rd person

After Charlie fainted from second-hand embarrassment at the gods and goddesses lack of decency and apparently shame. Hans kicked out the others and especially the couples as he sat and lay Charlie's unconscious head on his lap as he bestowed her his blessing by kissing her forehead...

Only for her to wake up seconds after and headbutt him by accident.

"Ow" Hans coyly complained.
"Oh, sorry that scared me, having a person appear right above me when I wake up" Charlie apologised with ernest before looking around only to notice that they were alone.
"Where did everyone go?" Charlie asked, not realising her head still lay in Hans lap.
"I made them leave after you fainted." Hans said in a slightly annoyed tone before continuing on "those six in particular were acting inappropriately"

Charlie's Pov

I guess by those six he means Ceecee, Litisea, Roman, Temer, Joy and Bob. "Yeah I've no problem with that turn of events." I muttered in reply without noticing to which Hans laughed in his honey laced voice that blessed my ears.




That's a god, a big no no!

Don't even think about it Charlie! I reprmanded myself in my head as Hans eventually stopped laughing and I finally noticed were my head was resulting in my quick removal of my head from his lap and body from being in close proximity as Hans was too dangerous to my mental health.

"Oh yeah, so where am I anyway. I was a little too distracted last time to really ask any of my questions. " Charlie asked in an attempt to divert her train of thought. As Charlie asked this Chance entered the white space with everyone while separating the couples so he could finally do his job after all the stuff which happened.
"I can answer that if you don't mind.' Called Chance with a mischievous tone as if insinuating I only wanted to talk to Hans which caused me to turn bright red all over my face, ears and down my neck.
"Yes please!" I called out with a little too much force while trying to hide the obvious blush by looking in the direction of nothing also known as the opposite direction to where all the gods and goddesses were, including Hans.
"Well, this place is kind of like limbo, where NORMALLY your soul is wiped clean before your put back into a world as someone else also known as rebirth. But your special as we, and by we I mean myself aswell as my sister Milly, caused you some magor difficulties which were completely our faults. As compensation we, as in all the gods and goddesses, decided to give you some gifts for your next life. So let's get started with your first compensation from Milly!" Chance exclaimed, slightly out of breath and guilty.

Um okay weird but at least I kind of know what's going on.

Milly continued "As my compensation I and the others have decided to bless your soul."
"What will that do?" I inquired unable to contain my curiosity.
"It means you will get a gift related to each of our roles in your next life!" Winny butted in answering my query.
"Okay well that sounds cool." I hummed trying to show my willingness towards this corse of action to which they responded by encircling me before they all... KISSED ME!?

"What? Wait! Why?" I stuttered out in my completely warranted confusion.
Hans the only one not to kiss me explained, "That's how a blessing is bestowed honey," He said in a teasing tone. Which clarified my question but created another in its place.
"Then why didn't you, um.... kiss me?" I asked in embarrassment.
Hans just laughed before he gently grabbed my head and asked in a seductive and teasing tone "May I?" To which I just gently nodded my head before transforming into a tomato once more after barely recovering from last time.

After getting my consent Hans gently raised my face with one hand below my chin and the other behind my head so I made eye contact before he let out a grin and kissed my forehead, for what I much later found out was the second time. After 'bestowing his blessing' he let me go and left the room. He was closely followed out by the gossip monger god Litisea and a certain secret keeper Ceecee to which I didn't think much about.

After Hans left with the lesbian goddesses Chance decided it was time to finish what he was doing. His job, dealing with my reincarnation.

"Now that Milly's compensation to you has been fulfilled you guys can leave, I can handle the rest I'll get Litisea to deliver the message if I need anything as you know, that's HER job." Chance said as he chased everyone else out. He then turned to me and continued.
"So~, what are your five wishes?"
"Can I ask for anything?"
"Yep! I'm a god afterall and this IS kinda my specialty as it IS my JOB!" He said in a way that lead me to believe he was trying to prove something. To which I just giggled.
"Ok then for my first wish I'd ask to keep my memories as Charlie Elizabeth."
"Consider it done!" He said in a proud and childish way.
"Secondly I would like to be reincarnated into a happy life"
"You can count on it!" Chance chimed.
"Thirdly I'd like to have no unwanted responsibilities"
"Can do!"
"For my forth wish I'd like to be strong"
"Righty then!"
"For my last wish it is.... to be smart!"
"Got it!" Chance boasted.
"One last thing, cam I ask a favour?"
"What is it?" Chance asked with a carefree maner as we both knew he could just say no if he didn't want to.
"Could... we be friends?" I asked with embarrassment only to then be surprised when I was suddenly tackled in a hug by Chance as he nodded yes and giggled like a child who had just been given a new toy, which made my heart melt.
"I'd love to be friends, but I don't know about the others, I can ask if you'd like, once your reincarnated then tell you the answer when I can talk to you next!" He said between his childish giggles.
"I'd like that I replied with less embarrassment than at first.

After that Chance gave me one last hug before my vision went blurry and I heard him run off as I collapsed onto the floor before my vision finally went dark.


That took longer than intended but I hope you enjoyed. I may not be able to update this story regularly as I only really have free time on Sundays but I'll try my best and hope I don't get writers block or too much homework.

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