Breeze (18)

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After getting my adventurer license I took another look at the three quests I was considering and I noticed that the herb gathering quest was gone and so was the missing child. Guess I'll be doing the manual labour quest, the rewards are pretty good anyway.

After deciding to take the manual labour quest I took it from the board and over to the quest counter to register for the quest. When I did I was given an address to go to, it was an Inn not too far away. When I got there I found out that the quest is basically an odd jobs quest. You do a few jobs here and there to help out and depending on how you do you can get more money. I wonder why other people don't take this quest.

Well it's good for me regardless. The person I talked to was a girl my age, she looked familiar and that's when I realised... IT'S LILLY!

I haven't seen her since the ceremony when we were like 5. She looks alot more mature now and she's changed up her looks but she's still cute.

Her hairs been cut short, at shoulder length, and her face lost most of its baby fat. She's wearing some simple clothes but it looks very good on her.

When I realised, I felt a surge of emotions hit me, I debated whether or not to tell her who I am and decided that I will

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When I realised, I felt a surge of emotions hit me, I debated whether or not to tell her who I am and decided that I will. Just not yet. She may not even remember me it's been over 5 years since we met that one time. I'll wait a bit first, just in case, I don't want to mess everything up after everything I went through.

Seeing Lilly made me think of Zack, I haven't seen him since I entered school.  Maybe I can send him a letter through the school?...Anyway back to reality.

Lilly greeted me and confirmed that I was the adventurer who took the quest they posted for temporary help. With that done I headed over to the back room to get my first job of the day off the boss.

I was surprised to find that my main job was waiting on tables and moreso about the waiters uniform. Apparently they only had girls take the request before so only had a girls uniform gor me. I told them that I could just do it in my normal clothes but they said it wasn't an option so that leads to my current predicament...

I'm stuck in a girls uniform and it doesn't look half bad. Good thing I was a girl in my last life I guess or this would have been too embarrassed to do the work.

The uniform was a maids dress.

Forget it, I'll think of it as cosplay and that way I'll be less embarrassed. Yep, that's what I'll do!

So with a reinforced attitude and resolve to do well I went about doing my job and I did a good job if I do say so myself! I successfully waited on tables and its almost the end of the day

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So with a reinforced attitude and resolve to do well I went about doing my job and I did a good job if I do say so myself! I successfully waited on tables and its almost the end of the day. That wasn't too bad, I think I'll take this quest again, it's not too hard and it's even kind of fun. Because I'm a boy clearly and the rules say otherwise I haven't been harassed or even cat called so I'm feeling pretty good. Although this uniform is still a little embarrassing.

Now there's only two hours left before my job is done and I've noticed a slight change in consumer attitudes, and now I know why. These new customers are mostly adventurers and they are behaving abhorrently so I decided to bite the bullet and do something which I now realise was really dumb. I switched tables with the other girl working as a waitress and I don't regret it but still what happened as a result sucked.

I went over to get there order like normal.
"What can I get for you sirs?" I asked with my now perfected customer service smile.
"Huh?! Who 're you doll face?" The man who lead the group asked with a putrid looking face.
"Sir, I'm working here part time. Now what can I get for you?" I re-asked with my professional mask on.
"Not bad..." was the bosses response, I am hereafter dealing him creepy guy!
"Sirs, your order?" I urged with concealed irritation.
"Ah, yeah, we'll have 5 large beers and some 'personal service' doll!" Creepy guy purred with a look that made me want to puke.
"So 5 large beers, ok coming right up!" And with that I promptly departed before creepy guys outstretched hand reached my skirt.
"Tch, bad luck..." I heard creepy guy mumble as I made a b-line for the counter to place the order.

After a while there drinks were ready so I had to bring them to the table, I had a serving tray so decided to use my expert skills to perfectly perfume a lazy man's load and get all the drink there in one trip so I could get away from creepy guy and his crew ASAP.

When I arrived I used my professional smile and voice to greet creepy guy and his companions before unloading the tray of its alcoholic beverages and going through the standard procedure as fast as I was alowd to in order as not to seem rude.

"Anything else sirs?" I asked.
"Yeah, that service we ordered!" Creepy guy's lackey #1 said rudely.
"Sorry sir, to book a room at this INN you must do so at the front desk." I answered while emphasising that this was an Inn not a brothel.
"Not a room sweets!" Lackey #2 called out. These names where going to make me loose my patience soon even if they weren't being disrespectful.
"Sir, that is the ONLY service offered by this establishment. Also my name is NOT doll, sweets or any other form of derogatory name." I said firmly.


Hope you enjoyed!

Credit to the artists of each picture.

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