A New School Life (10)

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I rushed cleaning up the mess in the prayer room I had used before unlocking the door and running down the church corridors to the main hall as the bell tolled signalling the continuation of the ceremony. I arrived just in time and managed to make it to my seat before the next step of the ceremony commenced.

"Children, we're going to check the current level of mana you all have. Dint worry if the number seems small as your magic should be in the early stages of surfacing." A kind priest woman dressed in gold spoke. It was kind of surprising as she acted differently to the other gold robed priests but I quickly ignored it as I saw Lilly making her way to the platform. When she got there she reached towards the weird cards, or maybe they were hand mirrors anyway, she picked one she liked and when it was shown to the priest she announced that Lilly had 26 mana. It may not seam like a lot but remember we're five and the maximum is 100 mana for even the best mages. Zack picked his after a longer deliberation, I don't know why he was so hesitant. When the priest read it out she announced that he had 17 mana, which he mumbled something about it being unfair that he got beat by Lilly, I don't really know. After some more day dreaming it was suddenly my turn and a wave of anxiety hit me. I hope I do well so I don't embarrass myself or my family and my friends. I walked towards the altar and saw the lay of mirrors, yes mirrors not cards like I first thought. They had different colours, sizes, designs and shapes to choose between. I was confused but had the feeling that my choice would be really important for my future.

I hate responsibility and making important decisions! Like REALLY HATE IT!

So I closed my eyes and chose it at random with closed eyes.

Luck don't fail me now!

I felt my hand graze over a small pocket mirror and so I picked it up. It felt, right.

It had a simple design of a four leaf clover on the back and it was no bigger than the size of my hand. It was a rose gold colour and had a forest green paint coating the clover design but in a way that made it simplistic and minimalistic. At least that's what I thought. My choice baffled the audience. Most children pick the mirror which is largest, boldest, most colourful, expensive looking, newest or in a color that matched there affinity but I hadn't done any of that as the people sat in the front clearly saw, I chose with my eyes closed.

I held out my choice of mirror to the priest and she smiled at me kindly. She then carefully took the mirror and seemed to cast a spell on it. She read the number that appeared in the reflection. 72! I had 72 mana at the age of five, it was unprecedented! The priest read out the result and the hall went quite. Everyone was silent until my brother broke it by yelling out how I was the 'most amazing little brother ever.' Gah! That's embarrassing!

It was only later I found out how the mirrors worked. They read your mana based on your choice and it was assigned in a rather complicated way but I had accidentally chosen the mirror with the highest reading meaning I had the highest level of mana. I still don't really understand but I still feel the need to thank Lucky and maybe Mag too.

Thank you Lucky for that amazing luck!

And like that 5 years passed.

I'm 10 now and am about to start school. I'm starting high school to be precise. My classmates are all older than me by six years. The struggles of being a genius!

I'm excited to start high school as the faster I finish my studies the faster I can start my dream job and I can't wait!

"Young master!" Sarah called with tears lining her eyes. "I'm proud! But, if you don't hurry your going to be late!" She nagged as I checked over my supplies once more before grabbing my bag and running downstairs.

When I reached the first floor I grabbed a slice of toast and my lunch before hugging my parents and my brother kissing my brothers cheeks in the way my adoptive mother would when she would leave for a long trip.

Goodbyes finished I boarded the carriage and ate my breakfast as I waited to arrive at school.

As I was finishing my breakfast I saw a boy dressed in the first year uniform for my new school and I realised his carriage seems to have a broken wheel and he was walking to the school. The trip would only take another 5 minutes by carriage but it would probably take half an hour on foot if not longer since he was carrying his luggage with him.

"Stop the carriage!" I yelled to the coachman. To which he compiled.

"Hey, do you need a ride to the school?" I called as I got down from the carriage and faced the boy.
"Why?" Asked the boy with distrust plastered over his face.
"Because, we may be classmates." I said slightly irritated that he's questioning my intentions.
"You! Ha. When pigs fly, pip-squeak!" He said with a growl.
"Wow, look at that!" I said pointing to the sky behind him.
"What!" He yelled covering his head as he turned to look at what I pointed at.

I was feeling petty and annoyed so I had used some minor light magic I'd learned to make the image of a pig flying. Take that! Go for science!

The boy was speechless. "So, are you coming potential classmate?" I asked as I started heading back to my carriage.
"Uh, yeah, thanks." The boy said still stunned from what he thought he saw.


Hope you enjoyed!
Once again, pictures are not mine. There from Google.
Rights to whoever they belong.

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