A commotion (7)

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As I sat down at my assigned seat, after much protest, I looked at the weird priest-y looking people. They wore white religious robes or gold religious robes and stood by the altar like structure which had a purple and gold cloth draped over it with a clear crystal ball placed on top of it. The priest, I'm going to assume there priest, mostly had either arrogant and prideful looks on there faces or humble and kind appearances and they seemed to be more of the first type dressed in gold robes while the second type mostly appeared in those dressed in white. The ones in gold only seemed to show that expression when they looked at the back end of the church where common folk were seated. Those dressed in white also seemed more focused on the back end of the church but it was to spread kindness in contrast to those in gold.

 Those dressed in white also seemed more focused on the back end of the church but it was to spread kindness in contrast to those in gold

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After  was seated at the front of the church, in my seat, some of the gold and whitepriests started to make there way to me

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After  was seated at the front of the church, in my seat, some of the gold and whitepriests started to make there way to me. I had come in on my own as my parents were talking to there friends. I had dressed casually in comfortable clothes which could be mistaken for those of a commoners if you didn't pay attention so I would attract less attention, at least that was my hope.

I was dressed in a loose, short sleeve, pull over top tied with purple bandages which acted as a belt with a green vest jacket. I had brown baggy trousers on and they were held up by an actual belt which was made of cheep leather and iron. I had worn black dress shoes and brown leather gloves to finish the outfit. It was really comfortable and apparently misleading.

The priests which appeared consisted of both those in white and gold. Those in gold held an angry expression while there counterparts in white held concerned expressions.
"You can't sit there!" Barked a gold priest. This particular priest looked around 40 and had thin, balding grey hair which was stuck to his greasy head, sickly pale skin, beady brown eyes and a big beer belly. His breath stank as he screamed in my face just after I had sat down and immediately after his arrival.
"Why?" I asked in pure confusion which showed easily on my innocent child face.
"These are the seats for high nobles!" Chastised the old gold priest from before.
"I know" I confirmed, still confusion in my tone as I looked towards the doors. I guess Mr. Old gold priest took that as I sign of my guilt? He roughly tanked my arm pulling me out of the seat only to crash to my knees suddenly which caused great pain at which I yelleped.
"Than why are you sat there plebeian!" He screeched into my face as he dragged my face to his by my hair, at with I only whimpered more at.
"Because I..." I tried to explain but was interrupted.
"Filthy commoner just because you want to make connections or you maybe woed a young noble girl doesn't mean you can sit here!" He lectured. His breath making me nauseous and the pain from my injured knees and my hair being pulled caused me to cry harder as I gasped for air between my cries I heared a crowd gathering as they whispered and gossiped about my ' boldness ' to try sit in the seat of a high noble child, in which I am I'll remind you.
"But I..." I tried to explain again but was thrown to the floor and I think I hit my head on the raised platform. The white robed priests ran to me when it happened as I'd burst into uncontrollable sobbing and some tried to comfort me whilst others tried to scold me but in the way a kind parent scolds a child from love and care  the last few white priests in the group started casting healing magic on my head an knees.
"Shh child, if you refute more it will only bring you more pain..." a kind faced priest in white warned as she dried my tears and pet my head softly.
"But that's the seat I was assigned?" I finally mumble out to the white priest in a volume only she could hear.
"Are you sure little one...?" The nice lady asked with hesitance. The church issued the seats so if the child was informed by the church that it was his seat then that meant that the old priest was in loads of trouble.
"Yes" I replied with a slightly increase volume.
"Child what is your name, your full name please?" The kind priest asked whith a worried look on her face.
"Charlie Elliot Valentine. " I replied in a volume which all around could hear. The gall fell silent for a second before the old gold priest stomped over.
"You lying, filthy rat!" He cursed. His face was red with anger and some of the other priests in gold had sweat begin to build on there brow.
"I'm not!" I retorted with a newfound confidence which came from the reactions of the other gold priests. Right after my yell of retort, my parents entered the room with my brother who had returned from the bathroom when my presents had finally finished there conversation leading them to enter together, which had a great impact. My family had heard my yell as they were opening the doors. So when they saw a crowd gathered where they heard my shout from, they were worried. At the entrance of my family, the arch duck Valentine family, the church hall when silent apart from the sound of my family's footsteps.

When I saw my family apear I called out to them.
"Mummy, daddy, big brother!"
"Charlie?" My brother, Leo, was the first to reply.
"Leo, help me!" I cried, much to the astonishment of the crowd.
At the sound of my cries Leo ran in my direction and mum aswell as dad. When they saw my teary state and red puffy eyes, there own turned cold as they swept the room. Leo picked me up and wiped my tears with his sleeve as I blew my nose with his handkerchief.


Images from Google, right's to who it belongs to.

Hope you enjoyed!

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