First Kiss (47)

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Charlie's pov

It wasn't long before we both cleaned our plates, Kai happily helping me with emptying my plate. We continued to chat idly about this and that without worrying about any topics of worth until I realised the sky was glowing a pretty pink with enchanted me.

"Its already so late?" I mused mostly to myself before getting up and dragging Connor after me.

I tossed a small nut heavy pouch onto the counter as I pulled a confused Connor into the street only to finally stop as we sat on a small grassy hill at the edge of town.

"The sky's pink, that means tomorrow the sky should be clear!" I happily gigled into connors ear as we lay side by side on the grassy bank.
"Why's that?" Connor asked with a quirked brow and a small smile barely hanging on his lips.
"Pink sky at night sailors delight, pink sky in the morning sailors take warning," I simply recited turning to face connor whose face was bathed in a beautiful pink light by the twilight sky.
"I haven't heard that one before," he whispered onto my ear, his hot breath tickling it and causing it to slowly go red.
"Really?" I asked confused, having forgotten that it was a rhyme originating from my old world.
"Yeah, thanks for sharing it with me," he continued to reply in whispers aimed excellently into my ears causing them to heat up and itch lightly.

I felt the heat beginning to spread to my cheeks as I turned to face the sky once more.

Before long a comfortable silence fell over us like a fluffy blanket in winter, heavy but warm.

The star filled sky was our only companion as the wind played a nondescript melody through the long grass to us. I felt my eyes growing heavy as I felt a gentle brush of warmth on forehead, forcing my eyes to stay open I see Connor lay a gentle kiss above my right brow as my eyelids become to heavy to continue forcing open. As I drifted to sleep my slow and sleepy mind was still processing what I just saw.

When I woke up the following day in a familiar dorm bed I began to doubt my recollection of the night before. As I'm surveying my memories I come across the last image that entered my eyes before I lost consciousness last night.

He kissed me!

At that moment the main character of the scene that was playing out on loop in my mind was walking through the bedroom doors with a cup of honeyed milk and toast with sunny side up eggs.

"Last night!" Was all I could stutter out as my voice hid in embarrassment.
"You fell asleep besides me in the grass so I brought you to my dorm and let you have my bed since I couldn't get into your dorm and I didn't want to wake you," Connor explained patiently placing the tray with breakfast onto my lap that was still covered by the white blanket.

Not satisfied with how he dodged my actual question but touched by the delicious looking breakfast on my lap and his clear consideration I brushed off my curiosity surrounding that kiss for now, focusing on filling my stomach.

Just as I stuffed the last of the egg into my mouth laving a plate with just crumbs and an empty glass with cloudy white walls from where the milk has clung to the glass as it was emptied, Connor leaned down and wiped my mouth like a kid causing my face to heat up as shame overcame me. Frozen in place by Connor's indulgence I just stared at the handsome man as he took the now empty tray from my lap and slowly exited the room again with it in hand.

The way he treated me like something delicate and precious warmed my heart and I felt a flutter in my chest. Without realising it a dopey smile had snuck onto my face as I fell into my thoughts.

Unknown to me Connor had been stood just behind the door watching me as I sat dazed with a doting smile and red cheeks. Noting my vacancy from reality Connor entered and whispered into my ear, "Can I kiss you again?"

Not truly understanding the words spoken to me I nodded instinctually in response to the question. I was instantly broken from my thoughts as I felt a gentle touch on my lips as Connor tentatively kissed me. Without a second thought I began to gently reciprocate and it wasn't long before the chaste peck began to deepen. Allowing the rhythm of the kiss and the romantic atmosphere to take control I followed my instinct and hugged conner closer to me with each passing minute not releasing each others lips until we ran out of oxygen and were left panting for air. A string of saliva still connecting our lips as we both stared into each others eyes with red faces.

"So, we're dating now right?" Connor shyly asked me with a pleading look hidden in his eyes.
"I guess," I replied dumbly reaching my right hand up to rest on the warm cheek of my new boyfriend.

As if flipping a switch the shyness from Connor's face disappeared as a dopey grin took its place and he buried his face in Charlie's shoulder.

"What'll I do with you?" I laughed as I ruffled my boys hair finding it surprisingly therapeutic.
"Endulge me!" Connor replied with a cheeky grin before placing another chaste kiss on my cheek.

I playfully pushed his face away as he went to place another kiss on my face which he responded to by making sad puppy eyes at me. I steeled my nerves against him as I insisted on getting out of bed.

"What time is it?" I asked looking around the room as Connor sat obediently on his bed staring at me like a wronged puppy.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter full of fluff!

We finally have Charlie's partner set in stone!

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