Not important enough (Rúben Dias)

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Your eyes hurt from staring at the laptop's screen for too long so you took your glasses off to massage the inner corner of your eyes, trying to relieve some of the pressure building near the bridge of your nose.

"Take a break", said Rúben but you shook your head while keeping your eyes closed. "Come on, don't be stubborn. You won't be able to work properly while your eyes are teary from how tired they are".

"Are you the doctor now?"

"Yes, it's Dr Dias' advice to take a break".

You chuckled seeing his serious face. He was definitely not a doctor but he was right. So you got up and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea that could help you wake up a little.

"I could make it for you", offered your boyfriend.

"I appreciate it but you never get the milk ratio right. And you always forget the honey".

His pouty face made you laugh again and you got up on your tiptoes to peck his lips.

"I still love you despite your inability to make good tea".

"It's just you being too complicated".

"I prefer high maintenance. Sounds more expensive".

Even though Rúben couldn't make tea, he was very good at getting your favourite biscuits so you could have them with your cuppa.

"Thank you. I can't even remember when I last ate".

"You're working too hard".

"Well, this project won't finish itself, sadly. But it's almost done. And then we enjoy showing it off to the world".

Rúben moved closer to wrap his arms around your waist. "Everyone will see how smart you are and I'll have to fight them all off. As if being pretty wasn't enough for you. No, you had to be a genius too".

Laughing at his joke, you turned to face him. "Well, when they see you by my side, they'll know to keep their distance".

"See me?"

"Yeah, you're coming to the presentation, right?"

"Why would I? I'm not a doctor".

"I'm not a football player and I go to your matches", you said, removing his arms from around your body.

"It's not the same, you understand football and can enjoy it. What am I supposed to do at that presentation? I won't get anything you all say. I'm a dummy", he tried to joke but you weren't in the mood for jokes.

"It's not about understanding it, Rúben. It's about supporting me like I support you".

Grabbing your cup, you went back to your desk. You were fuming but didn't want to argue more. You were exhausted from all the hard work your boyfriend didn't even care about.

"Of course I support you. I spent the last week worried about you working too much, trying to get you to take breaks, worried about your health...".

"Sorry to be such an inconvenience to you".

"That's not what I meant. I like being worried", he groaned, realising he just kept saying the wrong thing. "I don't like being worried but I like looking after you. I don't mind. I just...".

"You look after me for weeks but can't spend two hours sitting on some comfortable chairs listening to me talk about something I've worked on for months".

"I told you, I won't understand a thing so it'd be boring for me...".

"Boring? You think I enjoy seeing 6-0 wins against Nottingham Forest?"

Imagines (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now