Wrong team (Rúben Dias)

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Waiting for your boyfriend to come back home so you could show him the surprise you got for him was torture. It happened to you every time. If you bought a birthday present for someone a week before the birthday, you spent all seven days desperate to give it to them and see their reaction. So even if there was a whole month of waiting between today and the GP, you just had to tell Rúben about it.

When he opened the door, you could hear him on the phone talking to someone.

"Yes, that's great. Just me and her. Yes, perfect. We'll see you then, thanks".

"Hiii!", you said, walking to the door with a huge grin on your face.

"What's going on?", he asked, smirking. He knew you were hiding something but were about to tell him because you were a terrible liar.

"I got a surprise for you".

"Ok, what is it?"

"So, remember how you went to the Monaco GP last year?", you waited for him to nod. "I thought we could go again, but together, and I bought us the best tickets. They cost me a fortune so don't say now that you already got plans".

He laughed too but there was something odd in his expression.

"Would they be easy to return?"


"I just got a call from the people that invited me last year and they want to invite me again. So there won't be any need for your tickets. I'm getting them for free".

"Oh my God, that's amazing!", you jumped into his arms. This kind of ruined your surprise but who cared? This was better.

"And I know you don't love Red Bull but...".

"Wait, what? You've been invited by Red Bull?"

"Of course. Who else would invite me?"

"Well, my tickets are for Mercedes. That's where I want to be".

Rúben laughed but then saw how serious you actually were.

"You're kidding, right? You can see the cars just the same from the Red Bull area".

"I can see the football just the same from the Old Trafford VIP area and you don't see me there when you play United. I'm on the away end".

He sighed, knowing he wasn't going to be able to convince you.

"So what do we do?"

"Easy", you said. "You thank Red Bull for their generosity and come to the GP with me and stay with the best team".

"But I like Red Bull", he said, so quiet you almost didn't hear him.

"Then date Verstappen".

"Do you think I'm his type?"


You left, annoyed at him and at his silly jokes that were going to make you laugh. But it was ok. There was a month to convince him to do the right thing.


"It's your last chance to do the right thing, Rúben", you said when you were about to land.

"I could say the same to you".

"You know, my whole family supports United. It would be so easy for me to do the same but no, I support City because of you. You should support Mercedes because of me".

"I would if you worked for them", he tried to reason.

"I support Benfica because of you", you tried, changing tactics.

"You've never watched a match from the Portuguese league in your life".

Seeing how he was trying not to laugh made you roll your eyes.

"I'll see you at the after parties then".

He followed you laughing, and making everyone look at him.

"Come on! Don't be like that".

"We're enemies this weekend, Dias. Just deal with it. And give me a kiss before I leave".

"Do you kiss your enemies often?"

"Yeah, it's really sexy. You should try it...right now".

But you were mostly all bark and no bite and spent a lot more time with Rúben than what you told him you would. Obviously staying together at the hotel, having meals together, attending the after parties with him...but when it was race time, he went to Red Bull and you went to Mercedes.

He didn't care about most of the behind-the-scenes stuff that went on so he used the pre-race time to walk around seeing people and checking how the atmosphere was. You, on the other hand, were making sure you didn't miss one thing the Mercedes team was doing. You were surprised they didn't think you were spying for their rivals or something.

And that's how Rúben ended up on the grid being interviewed for Sky Sports. There were more football players there but he was with his City teammate Phil Foden when the presenter asked them if he could talk to them for a second as part of their pre-race coverage.

"Rúben, you were here last year too. Getting addicted to the sport?"

"I've been for a while", he laughed. "Actually, my girlfriend is a crazy Formula 1 fan so I have to always watch the races, the Netflix show, the interviews on Youtube...I might know more than you by now".

The presenter laughed before asking the obvious question. "Where is she then? Don't tell me you got invited and didn't bring her as your plus 1. And if you did, I hope you have a comfortable sofa at home".

"She is here...but not with me".

"How so?"

"She's a Mercedes fan and refuses to be anywhere near Red Bull, so...".

"Oh boy...", said Foden, trying not to laugh too much at his teammate's words.


"Well, I hope you don't get in too much trouble for supporting the wrong team. Have a good time, guys".

"Thank you".

The race ended up being as intense as most GP in Monaco were. And, unfortunately for you and Rúben, neither Red Bull nor Mercedes won the race. It was Aston Martin's Fernando Alonso that worked his magic once again to win the most iconic GP of the season.

"I lost and you lost", you said to Rúben when you found him at the restaurant. "My cousin must be thrilled, though. She loves Alonso".

"Do you want to eat something before we leave?"

"Not really".

"Let's go then".

Rúben took your hand and you walked towards the boat that was going to take you back to the hotel.

"Come here. I've missed you".

He made you sit on his lap, hugging you tightly. And you just relaxed looking around at the beautiful views.

"Did you have a good time?"

"I did. I missed you, though. Can we not support opposite teams next time?"

Rúben laughed and you remembered what was on your bag.

"Oh, I bought you a gift".


You took the cap out of the bag and he laughed again seeing you bought a Mercedes one for him.

"I can wear it if you don't like it", you said, putting it on your head and messing up the updo you had spent half an hour on that morning.

"It does look better on you. No surprise there".

You stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, not really minding the silence.

"So...next GP we invite your cousin and support Aston Martin? Maybe that's the solution to our little problem".

You laughed at how silly he could be but loved that he was already thinking about what GP you'd attend next. "Yeah, maybe".

Imagines (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now