Something I'll regret (Rúben Dias)

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"Do you have any plans for today?"

"Yeah, I have to go to Bruno's for an interview", I tell my boyfriend Rúben while we have some breakfast. I'm not really looking forward to today but I can't escape it either.

"Why do you have to be there for his interview?"

"It's what the tv channel asked for", I shrug.

I often have to be around for these types of interviews. People love it when famous people are related and I happen to be the cousin of one of Portugal's biggest football stars. And I'm also dating another one of their stars...but we haven't made that public yet.

"At least I get to just be there with the kids and hang out for a bit while they ask him things and I say two words. Could be worse".

"Poor you", he laughs.

"Well, it's time I could spend with you instead of doing that".

"Poor me, then".

"I don't have to leave just yet", I say, giving him a wink.


When I get to my cousin's house, it's his wife Ana who opens the door.

"Hi! You're early. Come in".

"Thanks. Are the kids back from school?"

"No, they'll be here soon. They wanted to go play with some friends and their mum will bring them back here in a bit. I love your dress, by the way! You look stunning".

"Thank you", I say, blushing slightly. "Rúben bought it for me the other day, actually".

"Take notes, Bruno!"

I can't help but laugh when I see my cousin's face.

"Thanks for that, Dias", he mutters. "Ready for the interview? I told them not to ask about your personal life but you know how they are".

"Yes, I'm ready. I guess".

Being part of a small ballet company in Portugal doesn't turn one famous. Having a famous boyfriend does. And when the press found out that the dancer who was dating a famous actor happened to be the cousin of a famous footballer, they just didn't leave me alone. I went from having the most normal life to being followed by the paparazzi everywhere I went. I hated every second of it.

That relationship, thankfully, it's over. And I promised to myself to never date someone famous again. My life was a lot simpler when no one knew who I was. But then I met Rúben when I visited Bruno after a Portugal match and...well, he made keeping that promise really hard.

At least he understands I want us to be private.

"There they are", says Ana.

"The kids?"

"No, the journalists".

Time to do this then.


"And where is your beautiful cousin?", I hear one of the reporters ask.

"She's over there, playing with my kids. She's their favourite cousin".

When I see the cameras pointing at us, I move so the kids aren't shown too much on camera.


"Hello. How is life in England?"

"It's alright. I love being here with some of my family".

I expect the next question to be about work. I have moved on to other projects ever since I quit dancing, but no. Of course, the next question is about the same old topic.

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