From one wedding... (Rúben Dias)

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**Naturally, after seeing Rúben at Bernardo's wedding, I got some requests to do a wedding related imagine. I got a more specific request on Tumblr so I used that for it. I already had another wedding imagine from a couple of months ago (Our special day) and my aim was to make them different enough that you wouldn't feel you're just reading the same thing twice. Also, the title is explained in the imagine. Enjoy!! ❤️**


"Tomorrow is the big day".

"You say it as if it was us getting married and not your friends", you laughed, falling on the bed and wincing.

"What's wrong?"

"My back still hurts. I knew we should have taken the sunscreen bottle to that cave expedition you wanted us to do".

"Let me see".

You took your shirt off so Rúben could see your back and flinched a little when he touched the still sensitive area.

"It looks much better. You can barely tell it's red anymore".


"Want me to put some more cream on it?"

You nodded, thankful for his help. Your dress for the wedding showed half of your back and the last thing you wanted was for everyone to see a big ugly sunburn.

"That feels nice", you said, closing your eyes and enjoying the cooling effect of the cream and the way Rúben's hand massaged your skin.

"Done", he said, kissing the back of your neck.

"Thank you! Let's go to bed now. Long day tomorrow but I can't wait to see you wearing a suit".

"I was wearing one the day we met".

"And that's how you tricked me into dating you", you joked, pecking his lips and going to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

Rúben stared at you and then kept staring at the closed door. He had been feeling some type of way lately, and the wedding you were about to attend only made that feeling bigger. But he shook his head and got those ideas out of his head. It was too soon.


Between the slight jet lag you had from your time in America and how early you had to wake up, you began the day already exhausted. Your eyes kept closing and you tried your hardest to stay awake.

"That coffee isn't helping".

"Don't mock me, Rúben. I'm so tired".

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we could sleep a little. I think we have another hour until we get there".

"Can't", you groaned.


You and Rúben had never been on a long car trip together so he didn't know. "I get travel sick when I'm on long drives like this one. But it's better if I don't sleep. Don't ask me why", you shrugged. "It's how it works".

"Well, we can't have that. Is there anything that helps?"

"Funnily enough, looking outside of the car. Apparently, I get sick because I'm moving but I'm also not moving so my brain doesn't understand what's going on. And so seeing the outside moving helps. I don't know, I read that in an article once".

"You and your I read that in an article once", he laughed and you hit him in the chest, making him laugh harder.

Once he was done laughing, Rúben moved to sit in the middle of the back seat to be closer to you. He turned you slightly so you could still look outside of the window and he could bring you closer to him to hug you.

Imagines (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now