Birthday twins (Rúben Dias)

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What do you get for the guy that has it all? And that can buy anything he wants but doesn't have yet...well, that was currently your most significant problem as you walked around the streets of Madrid. Manchester City were in the Spanish capital to try and get revenge after the way they lost in the previous edition of the Champions League, but for you, it was also a chance to do some touristy stuff and to get some shopping done.

You soon discovered that your second favourite thing called Serrano, after the ham, was the street that had that name and where you could visit some of the most luxurious stores. The architecture of the area was also stunning so you took plenty of photos and videos in between all the shopping.

"Should we go to Loewe next?", asked Sasha, who was also in Madrid for the match and became your shopping buddy the second you mentioned your plan.

"Sure, I love their menswear. I might find something there".

Yes, back to your problem. Sunday was going to be a very big day for you. Not only was it your birthday but it was also your boyfriend's birthday. Meeting someone who was born on the same day as you and him becoming your boyfriend felt like some sort of destiny thing. Like you were meant to be together. But it didn't make buying a present for him less of a pain.

Rúben had everything he wanted. And when he wanted something new, he bought it. He really was that type of guy. You wanted to write down all the things he mentioned liking for future gifts...only to find a parcel arriving home a couple of days later containing that same thing he mentioned. Really annoying.

"I like that jacket", you said, pointing at a gorgeous bomber jacket. You loved it when Rúben wore those.

"Get it for him!!", exclaimed Sasha, happy you finally found something you liked. "Should we go to Sephora next?"

"Duh! Always".

So the next shop you visited was Sephora, where you bought way too many things for you...and some for Rúben. A little plan formed in your head as to how you were going to give him the presents.


Finding the perfect gifts was hurdle number 1. Number 2 was finding out when to exchange them since City played an away match on Sunday. They were heading to Liverpool to play against Everton so it wasn't the longest trip but...should you give him your presents before he left? After he came back? And what was he planning on doing with the presents he got for you?

Saturday was also the day you were going out to celebrate with your friends, leaving Sunday as the day for a big family dinner. So everything needed to be sorted out before you left to meet your friends.

"Last party as a 25-year-old then?", asked Rúben, getting inside the room while you finished getting ready.

"I'm getting too old for this. I need to party as much as I can before my back starts to hurt and all that", you joked.

"The hangovers will get worse too...".

"And you'll use that as an excuse to try to feed me weird mushroom concoctions. I can't let that happen".

He shook his head before burrowing his face in your neck and muttering against your skin. "We should spend our birthdays together".

"Call in sick?", you suggested but he only laughed.

Only a couple of minutes later, your phone started to buzz with a couple of texts from one of your friends saying they were waiting for you downstairs.
"I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow, old man".

"We are the same age. Literally".

"I was born at 8 pm, not during the night like you, so...".

He shut you up with a kiss. "Have fun".

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