Hijikata looks at Chizuru with her eyes as big as frying pans, with her hands together. She was begging to let him stay, there really was no rejecting that girl. They really got soft ever since she came here. Hijikata rubbed his temples, he was sure he'd get a tumor from so much stress. He turned to the stranger,"I'll allow you to stay under the following conditions; you follow my rules not anyone else's, you will earn your respect and if there is anything that makes you suspicous to me...I'll kill you".

The stranger didn't make a movement whatsoever, he was thinking out a plan. Then he chuckled , got up then bowed,"I'll gladly accept the conditions...Hijikata-sama". Hijikata furrowed his brows already regretting his decision.

Chizuru was overjoyed he let him stay there, now she could repay his kindness. He looked at Chizuru,"That doesn't mean to let your guard down, Chizuru", she nodded in response but was certain the stranger isn't a bad person.

She excused herself to finish chores, as she walked out before the stranger, Hijikata had one last question for him,"Tell me your name first". Before following behind Chizuru, the stranger smiled mockingly at him and said, "Osamu".

(Osamu? Heh, just like father's name. So wasteful I suppose) 'Osamu' thought. He and Chizuru were walking to the well to clean some dishes. Even if he much rather stab himself than clean for others, he had to maintain this silly act. He looked over at Chizuru, who had a big smile. Osamu didn't get why this girl was always happy, or why she was dressed as a man. He would admit she wasn't bad looking from upclose. What also suprised him was that she didn't flaunt over his looks like most females did, especially skimpy human females.

They reached the well and prepared the dishes, Osamu stood behind her to 'observe' how the work was done. He looked over to her hips, noticing the kodachi wasn't on her. (I assumed she would always wear it) Osamu harrumphed. Setting aside the kodachi he turned his thoughts on 'something else'.

He inspected her body from head to toe, since he wasn't really paying attention to her explaining.

(She lacks stature, I could easily just...)

Osamu was dragged out of his thoughts when someone roughly patted his back,"How are you kids doin' ?". Osamu turned irritated to see a smiling Souji, "Do you always greet people like that (you hairless monkey)?". Souji laughed along with Chizuru, he walked over to her side and ruffled her hair, "Is the kind stranger helping little Chizuru washing dishes?". Okita sounded like he was being friendly to trick Chizuru, in reality it was an indirected remark towards Osamu.

"I'm just showing Osamu-san what I usually do, Okita-san" Chizuru giggled as she rinsed the soap off.

Okita smirked and glanced his way to Osamu, a green eye sparkling. He came as soon as he saw Osamu staring her down, this guy really had no respect.

Okita made himself comfortable by sitting on the well,"So do you know where you'll be sleeping eh, Osamu?" he asked while admiring a green cup that was soon taken away by Chizuru.

The man smiled friendly,"With Chizuru of course".


Chizuru dropped the dishes she was washing and tried to rescue those that were about to be dropped. Okita grunted and helped pick up the broken pieces. Chizuru was blushing, flustered as she picked up the some pieces,"O-O-Osamu-san, I think you will get your own room" she stammered.

Osamu seemed confused by their reaction, moslty Chizuru's. "Why are you surpised Little One? You invited me to stay, and I don't know the others" Osamu asked. The way he said it did not help at all. There was something about his voice that could make Chizuru freeze at any moment.

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