lupine lawlessness part one

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October 1975, Hogwarts
— 363 yrs. old


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xiii. |            ' half-breeds '

CELESTE'S OCTOBER WENT eventful, from her own studies that she considered boring as she already had gone through the curriculum many times—not to mention she even became a teacher, a professional as well. She really did try to look for any updated information on the new volume of textbooks but as disappointed that there were only newly added information that she can count in her fingers. It felt boring for her, so she felt thankful that she still gets owls from Nicolas with documents in need of signature, or from Newt who likes to keep her updated of his 'old' life.

          Corresponding with Weetcher made Celeste very happy as she reads the almost unreadable handwriting but slowly ever since September she already saw the improvement in the elf's handwriting. Her heart was well warmed. Though, Nicolas' letters were the only letters she would wait for and expect to come without a hitch, which they did. For Celeste, any place without Nicolas makes her homesick.

          And then there was tutoring Pettigrew who Celeste took note that was slow, at this rate she could see him perfect at least half of a half of the O.W.L.S. But, she isn't giving up, it makes her feel better whenever she has to do something especially to finish her tasks just the next day it was given. She was always advanced and would never stress of anything unlike others of their year. So, she had been focusing with Peter who takes less the subjects she has.

          "Today, we'll do our homework only. I thought you should give your brain a break from re-learning your weak lessons, let's both focus on something we can agree on, yes?"

          "Ofv course, d'you 'ave a list ofv books we will need?" Peter replied ever so casually as he prepared his part of the table. He decided that Celeste wasn't too bad and he felt very productive, unlike studying with Lily and Remus—especially Lily—Peter had realized that the Prince girl had never once made him feel that he's slow or commented about him nearly being hopeless. He actually enjoyed it that he just handed Celeste who then wore a confused face to fix his timetable and make him a schedule.

           "Uhh, what's this for?"

          Peter inhaled and gulped—probably swallowing his nervousness—and gave the girl a shy smile, "I was wond'ring if you could arrange me a proper schedule along my timetable. I saw yours and 'twas very cramped—but in a good way!" He explained rushing his words but he was taken aback when he saw Celeste with a small smile and a curt nod.

𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎, sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now