the babbling sorting hat

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September 1975, Hogwarts
- 363 yrs. old

THE              BABBLINGSORTING                HAT vii

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

vii. | ' ravenclaw again '

TWO HOURS BEFORE THEY arrived at the station, Frank left both of the girls, leaving Alice her favorite licorice wand. Both the girls talked until it rained and they felt tiredness before letting it take over.

Celeste being herself, had already woke up an hour before Alice. As much as she felt deprived from an hour of sleep, she wanted to continue reading her book.

While reading, she thought of how Hogwarts had changed over time. She felt nervous and excited at the same time, she was glad that there was only robes for her. She was done with that crappy wizard hat that they needed to wear during the first night every year, three-hundred-years ago.

She left Alice to change her attire. Fixing the collar of her shirt and taking a plain black tie that would later on magically change to the color of her house, and changing her pants to a skirt that is half an inch below her knees. She hid her corset under the plain gray sweatshirt before tucking her shirt and grabbing a knee-length gray socks. And of course, her robe with a Hogwarts Patch.

Was it mentioned that she had a customized skirt with pockets in it, since the robes could sometimes be forgotten.

Neatly folding her clothes, she went back to the compartment she shared with Alice. The girl was already awake and had two more girl with her, a dirty blonde and a red-head.

Before entering, she knocked and Alice's face glows into excitement, "Celeste! I was wondering where you've gone," then looking at her, "I see you've changed to the uniform!"

She silently nodded and muttered her excuses as she walked in between the three's conversation. The dirty blonde gave her a proud smirk before stating her name, "Marlene McKinnon," their hands met halfway with a shake.

"And I'm Lily Evans, I'm a fifth year prefect."

"And don't forget about being the brightest pupil of Hogwarts!" Interrupted Marlene, her and Alice erupted with giggles as Lily blushes at the compliment. However, Celeste didn't miss the pride in her eyes.

"Celeste Prince."

She knew how pride looked, and it was different for her too. Celeste admits that she was proud, in fact: too proud; and how she could be callous and arrogant. Maybe it was because she knew her achievements and she exercises her skills. She's never just average.

𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎, sirius blackKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat