strings & cords

157 8 3


October 1668, Italy - 57 yrs. old.
(from her real birth)


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oii. | ' putting up walls '

IT'S BEEN MONTHS after their first meeting and they every week Hydrus would visit to let 'Cordelia' check the plans. Nicolas had asked Hydrus why he is doing it and he would reason out that he and her would just get each other. Even comment that maybe it's because they are of the same age.

Most of the time, Nicolas would cringe at the comment since it's false. Celeste would be fifteen for as long as only Merlin knows.

The two have became closer for the period of time. Traveling together to Italy to make sure that the progress is perfect. Sometimes Cordelia would realize that it was only Hydrus' excuse for them to be alone, which she didn't get.

For her, she feels fifteen and he's already twenty-one. And if it's not worse, if she's count her real age for this year, she's fifty-seven. Ever since she thought of that, she treated him as a brother. She missed hers and it broke her, really.

"Cordelia, Mon Chere," Hydrus leaned down and greeted her to kiss her knuckles.

Nicolas was behind her as the three of them stood in front of the newly-finished shop. Her smile couldn't be compared to any other smiles right now. She felt giddy and happy for this. It's only the start, but she couldn't feel less excited.

"Monsieur Black, how are you doing this days?" She smiled at him as their eyes had met once again. That silver eyes that always fills her with shivers.

He retreats his hands behind his back and turns to view the shop, with a half-smile on his face, "Quite busy I might say."

Nicolas rolled his eyes for his reply of being busy. He felt irritated of Celeste's ignorance and Hydrus' pretentious demeanor. He cleared his throat, seemingly announcing his presence to the both of them, "So Hydrus, how waz eet?"

There was silence between the three of them. Celeste was curious about the sudden question where Hydrus felt flustered and taken aback with the greeting.

"Well? I am curious now, what is it?" Still smiling, she turned her gaze back to the noble man of the ancient family of the Blacks.

Hydrus tensed up and stared at Nicolas with a meek smirk om his face. He just doesn't want the man to lead on the young kid, especially when Celeste is in a different identity for him.

"The what?" Hydrus forced a smile and acting to be ignorant of the way Nicolas was acting. Of how his accent was laced with a scandalous tone.

𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎, sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now