greatness in the making

98 7 2


1947, Diagon Alley
- 335 yrs. old


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GREATNESS       INTHE           MAKING ooi

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ooi. | ' tis' for her '

CELESTE STROLLED in the street of Diagon Alley, it's been a long time she has been there. Deciding that she goes to Gringotts first, there is a branch of the bank in France though you don't go inside the vault and they only give you the money you ask for. The vaults were only here in London, not that she minded it.

It still amazed her as she walked along other wizards. Some shops' structures were crooked and uneven, windows beside windows, colors varying in every walls, stalls outside which took a bit of space where wizards and witches are to walk.

Finally, she went inside the bank, a little more quiet other than the shout and angry negations with the goblins who facilitate the bank. She sat across a family of three whom she found adorable.

When the parents left the child on the waiting area, there were only the two of them. She figured that the kid could be on her first three years in school.

The kid fiddled with the hem of her dress as she slowly gets bored waiting in silence, Celeste broke a faint smile and raised her eyebrows as the little girl started humming a familiar melody. It was April Showers a muggle she listens to in Nicolas' gramophone.

𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎, sirius blackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin