elimination round

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October 1975, Hogwarts
— 363 yrs. old


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xii. | ' me, a tutor '

CELESTE SAT ON THE CHAIR by the headmaster's table. She waited for him to speak, yet there was nothing, "May I ask why you asked for my presence, Headmaster?"

The old man smiled at him, sensing that someone was coming, he kept his mouth shut and watched as Celeste's attention turned towards the door where a student gasping for air stood. He had his bag slinging by his shoulder and a bread by his other hand. He was back in his uniform, and he did not actually expected to be called to the Headmaster's Office.

          "Ah, Mr. Pettigrew. Come closer and sit," he greeted with a smile radiating even from his moon-shaped glasses, he gestured his hand and pointed to the chair opposite of Celeste.

          Once he is seated, the two of them followed suit. Dumbledore checked up on Peter's academic performances as of the past years. Peter is good at (some) practicals yet he is not so great at acing written exams.

Celeste only sat there, awkwardly glancing at the two, she felt like a statue. Just sending looks as the two engage in their lengthy conversation.

          She was taken back to reality when she heard her name from Dumbledore's lips, "Well, lucky we have Celeste. Don't you think?" He asked turning to the old man in confusion, she only widened her eyes and puckered her lips, earning chuckles from both men.

"My apologies. But what is this about, Sir?" She asked with her normal formality, Peter stares at her seeing and hearing the way she talks, her tone matching Dumbledore's as if they were the same age.

"Extra credit, Ms. Prince? Tutor Mister Pettigrew months before the O.W.Ls?" He softly suggested with a smile, Peter was nervously playing with his fingers not knowing that the headmaster is actually going to ask Celeste to help him.

          Seeing that she actually is bored to death, she turned to Peter with a smile—a genuine smile. Peter widened his eyes in shock of Celeste smiling at him, "Of course. I can do that..." Because I'm so bored, I need a pass-time. She thought to herself while still smiling at the light-brown haired boy.

"When do you want to start, Peter?" She asked and both of them now completely ignoring the presence of their headmaster. She saw in his eyes how his thoughts seemed to wander around.

"I don't actually know."

          "Alright, give me a copy of your timetable and I'll schedule it on our matching free time. See you."

𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎, sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now