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Flashback to the time after they discovered the truth (continued from chap 15):


Vegas and Pete entered the room. Vegas got in first and opened his jacket and kept it on the chair and opened his shoes and was about to take a shower when Pete said, "You know you don't have to pretend anymore Wegath. You can get off your face and cry. Come here." Vegas turned around with teary eyes and Pete slowly walked towards him and hugged him. They both sat down on the bed not leaving each other's embrace and there was complete silence except occasional sobs and light whimpers.


Now we were sitting on the bed facing each other my hand still around his neck caressing him to calm him down and his warm hand around my waist lifting my shirt a bit and circling the skin underneath. We sat there comforting each other. I still can't wrap my head around everything that happened. My baby is alive. She was there right in front of us. Ten years! Ten years without her has been hell. All of us have been smiling and pretending that we are over everything that happened. Everything was fresh in our memories like it happened yesterday. I still remember being called by a crying Venice and informed about Venissa missing. Still remember the car ride to the factory praying that she was unharmed. Still remember trying to enter the burning storage room. Her dead body. Her shoes. Her bag.

The bastard who was there laughing like a maniac. It seemed like our world had stopped spinning when he said that he burned our daughter alive. Our little baby. Vegas's angel. My pumpkin.

Even though Vegas doesn't show I know he feels guilty about whatever happened and believes it was his fault. He believes that venissa paid for his karmas though I tried telling him and explaining to him that no one blames him for her death but I knew deep down he still believes that it was his fault. I have seen him go and sit in Venissa's room every night when he believes everyone is asleep. He just sits there quietly on the floor of her bedroom floor and cries. He doesn't let anyone touch anything in her room. No servant or bodyguard can enter her room. He fears the room will lose the feeling of her presence if anything is touched. He pretends to be fine like all the others but I know he was the most hurt. Afterall she was his angel. The apple of his eye. Sure, he loves all of us equally and wouldn't hesitate to kill or die for us but Venissa had a special effect on him. He could get through the shittiest of days by just one look at her face and would turn into a puddle when she gave him puppy eyes and gave her everything, she demanded which resulted in us arguing about how he needs to learn self-control and not give into her puppy eyes.

It was difficult for all of us get over her death but Vegas broke down the most. The last time I saw him like this was when I ran away from him when he held me hostage.

Those nights we spent crying in each other's arms refusing to accept her death and now she was back and she....

"She is so brave and confident. She is fearless and strong. She has the same fire you have in your eyes and she is beautiful just like you love. Our angel is back. I cannot believe it. She was in front of us. We could touch and see her. She still loves and cares for us. She cared for Venice when she was the one injured and did not hesitate to stand in front of the bullet. She was angry for her brother and tried killing the man despite having a bullet miss her arm by a few mm. she is alive and has been alive all these years we did not lose her. She is so smart," Vegas said completing my thoughts and I could only nod in return not trusting my voice. Suddenly his eyes darkened and I knew what he was thinking. "We will find the bastard and make him suffer until he forgets his own name and pleads for his death." Vegas said in a low voice. "We will not do anything against her wishes though, according to what Pakin said she is stubborn just like you and we shouldn't make her angry." "What do you mean like me? I am not stubborn." Vegas said in an offended tone. This man. How can someone believe that this is the same mafia leader who was talking about torturing someone just some moments ago? I chuckled a bit and tuck a strand of stray hair behind his ear and said, "sure you are the most yielding person I know darling."

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