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This week has definitely been one of the most hectic weeks I have had in a while. I have barely touched the pillow at my apartment. I thought that this was a small conference but turns out it was a big one. P'Pakin said that he will take care of the guest list and arrangements. I need to look after the decorations and food and drinks. Need to arrange all the events. Make sure no one finds about this. Arranging a big hall for a conference of mafias and businessman was 2x more difficult than the normal ones and I only had one week to prepare along with school. I cannot miss school with finals approaching. I haven't even gotten time to eat properly. I will definitely fall sick after the event. But everything looks perfect. I hope P'Pakin likes it. It's a very important event for him. I had to miss school today because of this. I just told sky and rain that I had a slight headache. It wasn't a complete lie. I do feel a bit sick. I guess I overworked myself but its okay I can just rest after this is over. The event was to start at 12 pm. P'Pakin will be here at 11 pm. Not going to lie, I am kind of sad that P'Athit will not be here but I understand gear has his high school finals and he needs him.


Pakin arrived at 11. He was impressed by the arrangements. He knew he could trust venissa on this. He just hopes now that the event goes well. Some of the well known families are going to be present and he could get some really good deals today and expand his business further. After a lot of requests the biggest mafia families of Thailand, the major and minor family had also agreed to attend the event. The heads of both the families along with his favourite mechanic, Venice and racer, Phoenix.


It was finally 12. The event had started. I was standing backstage making sure that everything goes according to the plan. First P'Pakin was going to give a welcome speech followed by a number of proposals and auction. Then a few performances by some local artists. I didn't sing here for two reasons. First it was too risky singing infront of the underworld. Not many people have seen my face and I would love to keep it that way. Second, what if he was a part of it. He will recognise me in an instant and then boom years of running away from that monster will be in vain. The security today was really tight today. A couple of best bodyguards were appointed to look after each family and a lot of them were guiding the place. P'Pakin said that he wanted to introduce me to some people after the event is over and everyone is gone. We can have a business dinner with them and discuss my last official project with them before my contract with him is over. I had my gun secure with me in case something goes wrong. I have gained enough experience for the past few years and I was one of the best at shooting and fighting. Pa and Dad would be mad if they knew that their little angel can use a gun now. I miss all of them so much. Venissa focus. I tried to get my self to focus again to the work in hand.

The event went smoothly. All the guests were now leaving. I haven't stepped out even once to look at the guests. I have been managing everything standing here. From what I know and heard from here is that the event was a huge success. I am happy that everything went well without any difficulties.

I saw P'Pakin coming towards me with a content smile on his usually poker face. This further assures me that the event was a huge success. He came infront of me and patted my shoulder. It was his way of saying that he is proud of me. I gave him a small smile. He spoke, "come with me. We are going to have dinner with them. They are difficult to impress but I am sure you can convince them." I nodded my head. He went away to the front again. I fixed my suit. I was wearing a formal suit for the event especially the dinner. I just hope they like my ideas. I have worked really hard on it and it's the last project I am doing for P'Pakin before going away to university so I want it to be perfect. 

(The hall looked like this with rooms on the second floor

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(The hall looked like this with rooms on the second floor. it was a large hall with round tables and a stage below the chandelier. the chandelier is not present. the lights on the first floor are off. only the hall is brightly illuminated.)

I stepped out of the backstage and I could see around 15 people talking with each other at a distant. I couldn't see their faces clearly from the distance. I walked in forward direction to get to P'Pakin and meet these guests. The next scene shocked me. I saw rain and sky with their parents and P'Pakin talking to two men whose back was facing me. I didn't they were associated with the underworld. Holy shit. I made eye contact with P'Pakin. He pointed his hand at me probably introducing me to the two men whose back was facing me. I could feel my friends shocked eyes at me. It was too late anyways. I kept moving forward. The man in a blue suit whose hair was in a ponytail slightly turned his head to look at me. As soon as I saw his face my legs became and my heart rate increased. It was hia venice. He looked at me. The one beside him was P'Phoenix. This means the family they came with was theerapanyakul family. I started to take steps back. He didn't recognize me till now. Maybe if I run I can escape from here. I was about to turn around and run back inside when I saw a red dot on hia's shirt. I wasn't a newbie to not recognise that it was a laser gun pointed at his chest. I ran towards him shouting, "HIA"

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