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"You're going to repeat everything in proper details without missing anything venissa. We all know there is much more than you're telling us." Pakin said.

Venissa took a deep breath and started. "so on 5th December after school I was waiting for hia when I saw a cat stuck on a fence. It was struggling so I decided to help it. After releasing her I was about to give it water to drink and clean her wound. Suddenly someone kept a handkerchief on my nose and I passed out and the next time I woke up I was in a dark chamber hands tied to a chair and a few men surrounding me. Then a man came forward and I guess was about to choke me to death but someone came forward and informed him that you guys have found out their location." She said pointing at vegaspete who were sitting beside each other. "then he instructed one of his men to inject me so that I was unconscious. Next when I opened my eyes I was in a store room. I heard two men talking. One of them was the one who kidnapped me." "do you know his name or his face?" Venice asked. "no I just recognised his voice." A little bit of lie won't hurt no one. She continued, "the man who took me paid the owner of the house to keep me with him for a year and he would come back and take me. I was told to pretend that he was my friend." "but why did everyone say that you are his daughter?" Pakin asked cutting her off. "because he did have a daughter about the same age and people didn't really care about a drunkard like him." Venissa decided not to tell them about the abuse. It was not relevant. She gulped as the memories came back like a flash. She gulped trying to get herself together hoping no one noticed the fear on her face but unfortunately for her venice did but did not ask anything. "I really thought you were his daughter." "yeah no I would rather strangle myself to death." She mumbled to herself the last part. "did you say something?" phoenix spoke for the first time. "no" "so how did you meet P'Pakin?" sky asked curiously. "I was returning back to Antonio's house. Antonio is the name of the man with whom I was staying. It had been 6 months since I was living with him. On my way back I came across a pickpocket and I just fought with him. He was impressed watching my moves not that they were very strong but he knew that I had learned it somewhere professionally. After talking to me he dropped me off and next day he came back and Antonio let me go with him in exchange for money." "but didn't you say he was supposed to keep you for a year and that man would take you with him." Kinn questioned her. "oh there were two reasons first, he is greedy he would have sold his own daughter for money without hesitation. Second, he knew that the man who left me was under major debt and he was hiding. Anyways then I went with P'Pakin to his mansion here in Rome." "why didn't you tell me about what happened?" Pakin asked. He looked upset. "don't get upset. I was about to tell you. The first time I entered your house P'Athit informed you that Vegas's daughter is dead. I would have sounded like a fool if I said that I am the dead daughter especially when no one has seen my face and second even if you did believe my words then there was a possibility that you were friends with him." "why didn't you tell us? We treated you like our daughter?" it was type who asked the question. "because you don't go around telling people all this and he is dangerous. If he knew where I was all of you would be in deep shit and he would taken me back cut me into pieces and mail it to the minor manor." Hearing this vegas's hand formed into a fist. Everyone in the room was beyond pissed and guilty too because venissa had to go through everything alone at such a young age. "so who was the one we killed and who was the girl whose body we saw." "oh that was Antonio's actual daughter. They just made her wear my shoes to fool you all. The body was unrecognisable as it is burned . The man you killed had a grudge against Mr.Vegas for dating him and betraying him and he also owed the man who kidnapped me for saving him. It was just all a trap." "does he know his daughter is dead?" "no he doesn't and even if he knew he wouldn't care." Vegas was hurt by the fact that her daughter was calling him by his name and not dad but he couldn't blame her for it. They were all shocked that they were fooled and the one they have been mourning over was infront of them. They really thought that vegas's ex burned the chamber down with their daughter. They found the body too and he confessed on killing her. His death was not an easy one he was tortured for days by Vegas and Pete and then he finally gave up on his life. All of their blood was boiling. They wanted nothing more than to kill the guy who caused their daughter so much pain. Tharntype and Liankuea were equally pissed because they always thought of her as their own daughter. Her best friends were sad too. They never knew that she had been through so much and they would've never guessed with the smile she has on her face. Pakin stared at venissa and he knew that venissa was not someone who would let something like this so easily. She definitely knew who her kidnapper was. "there's no way you don't know who kidnapped you. I know you well enough to know that you know everything about him. So spill." "I don't want to tell you all because I know you will find who he is and then kill him." Pakin gave her a stern look. "ok fine don't give me that look. His name is A-wut." Vegas ears perked up on hearing this name. thought it sounded familiar. "I know Mr.Kinn and Mr.Vegas might already know him. He was one of the theerapanyakul family's client. He was dealing with their fathers. His son was also a part of the deal but turned out his son was a betrayar. He tried stealing minor family's records and use it against them. Before he could do so grandpa found out. He was brutally cut into pieces and sent back to his father, A-wut piece by piece. He was his only son. That was the day he decided to take revenge and started working on his plan. It was not easy to get to Mr.Vegas and take him because he was very strong and the minor and major family were the leading names. So he started carefully plotting against them. His plan as I said was initially to take khun Vegas and kill him and then do what grandpa did to him. But soon the war between major and minor family broke out and grandpa died and so his plan failed. He decided to take revenge on khun vegas instead. He waited for years and progressed in his business and made multiple plans to take revenge. Then he got to know about me. He knew I was very important to both the families. What better way than to kill someone so close to both the families. He looked for opportunities everyday to get to me but the security around us was very tight. And then that day he found what he was looking for. He did kidnap me and spent a lot of money on everything so that no one would know it was him who did it. But fate wasn't on his side. He was on the target of a number of mafia families for betraying them and stealing their products. Now he is out with a new identity years after." "does he know you're here?" "no he doesn't he is not living here. He's been living with his new identity somewhere else and I look a lot different than before. With the tattoos and grown up face he will not recognise me easily. He knows I am not with Antonio though and is looking for me but he cannot do much since he is still unstable with his new identity. I have one last request please don't look for him. I have made countless plans to get back at him and I have the perfect one. I will tell you all about it. Its my last request to all of you." Everyone agreed and promised her after hearing her plan. It was mind blowing. After discussing the plan and everything now it was very late. It was 8 pm on Sunday and sky rain and venissa had finals the next day.


Shit it is so late. I have to study too for tomorrow. "I am leaving now we have an exam tomorrow and I have to study for it." "but your hand" pa said to me worriedly. "don't worry it is okay now. see you all later." "you are going by your bike? Its not safe. Lets do one thing all three of us can study together and your brothers can help us. We can go back to your apartment and study and borrow your notes." After all these years hearing someone call them my brothers made me feel warm. Call me dramatic but having people care about me and care for me after years of longing. I had lost all hope of seeing them again and now when I don't know what to do about the emotions. I know here me call them khun and not my parents must be hurting them but how can I suddenly call them pa and dad after so many years. Its awkward. "hello down to earth." Sky said waving his hand infront of me. I was looking at everyone looking at me with a small smile on my face. "yeah lets go quickly." We were about to leave when I suddenly remembered something, "didn't you two have to go a family dinner with your and you boyfriend's family? I am sorry you had to miss it because of me." I felt really guilty. Suddenly I heard a few chuckles and sky said, "meet my boyfriend P'Prapai" "and my boyfriend P'Payu." They said pointing towards P'Phoenix and Hia respectively. My eyes widened in shock and the words that left my mouth next had rain laughing uncontrollably, "my life is a circus and I am a joker."


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