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In this part let's talk about the main family.

Starting with the head of the family, Kinnporsche. As mentioned in the earlier part Porsche handed the minor family ring to Vegas. After the war when they saw the minor family couple so happy with a child and watching them deal with the hardships of parenthood Kinnporsche too talked about getting a child of their own. So, after babysitting Venice a few times in excuse for Vegaspete to enjoy their date nights and Macau to focus on graduating high school they decided to give surrogacy a chance. After consulting with some of the best doctors of Thailand they finally started their pregnancy journey with a young surrogate mother. Their son, Phoenix was born roughly a year and two months after Vegaspete adopted Venice on March 3rd. So, to say that the couple was elated would be an understatement. Phoenix looked like a carbon of his dad, Kinn. Kinn's sperm was used for the zygote. This was pure fate. Porsche was not very fond of the idea but that quickly left his mind when he held their baby for the first time. It was Tankhun who named the baby. Years of watching series and movies had finally bore fruit. After the birth of Phoenix, the two families became closer than ever as Vegaspete helped the new parents get through parenthood. Seeing Kinn and Vegas talk so fondly about their son's habits and preferences was a sight to behold. Who would have thought sworn enemies like them would get so close and bond over their children. They quickly realize d they were alike in many ways. They did not get along because of the enmity of their fathers and the hatred between the two older generation brothers was reflected on them. The major and minor family made a pretty good team together if they kept aside their egos and jealousy. Their family business grew 5 times more than before and they were now one of the most influential and feared family in the underground world. Venice was also delighted to get a younger brother though he didn't understand much but was pleased that he finally had someone who he could play with. When Phoenix turned 3 months old, Porsche found a child around the age of 3 years old on the streets fighting a group of teenagers fighting with a fire in his eyes. Seeing the little kid in tattered clothes reminded him of himself when he was younger and had to work hard every day to just get the bare minimum for him and Chay. Porsche was sure that he could not leave the boy alone and had to help him. After help from Arm (the smart bodyguard who could track locations and all) he found out that the boy was an orphan. His mother died after giving birth to him and his father was an alcoholic who called him bastard and died in a car crash a couple days before Porsche met him. Porsche was devasted to learn that the small kid thinks that his name is bastard because that's what his father calls him and he was subjected to physical abuse at such a young age. He now wanted to adopt the kid. After a little bit persuasion and bribe, Kinn agreed. He was too drunk on love to refuse Porsche and besides the idea of having an elder brother for Phoenix did not sound too bad. Getting the child's custody was not tough. The little boy was named Mangkorn. He blended into the family really quick. He was a more of his pa Porsche's boy and Phoenix was more of his dad's pet. Mangkorn turned out be lot like kinn as he grew up. He had the same calm nature and was overprotective of his family. Phoenix on the other hand was a spendthrift and loud like his Porsche and was also jealous of anyone of came near a breathing distance to his fathers.

Now let's get into the life of everyone's favorite character, Tankhun.

At the start after the war tankhun raided the minor mansion almost every day trying to get his beloved bodyguard back to the main manor. But eventually he saw how happy pete was with the bastard cousin of his and how they were so in love which almost made him gag but secretly he was thankful to the gods above for finally lighting his cousin's life and he felt that he was finally fulfilling his promise to pete's grandma of making her grandson happy and safe. He used to bicker with his youngest cousin the same maybe more than before over the attention of the young doctor who has caught his eyes and Macau seemed to have the same attraction towards the man. Tankhun had spent most of his time inside the mansion with his family and bodyguards and rarely made friends so the new feeling of warmth inside his chest whenever he saw the handsome man was something which made him curious about the man and he didn't want to lose him to his cousin. He might look very bold and fearless and come off as someone who was not scared of speaking his mind but in reality, the thought of talking to his crush made his heart beat at an unrealistic pace. After thinking about the unsettling feeling in this chest tankhun concluded with all of his knowledge on love and crush his teacher of course being the endless series and movies that he'd watched over the years that this was not just an innocent crush he was in love. After mustering all the courage, he had in him he finally asked the doctor to be his friend. That's where the love story started. Tankhun started visiting the doctor during his breaks. Arm and Pol were beyond happy to see the sparkle in their master's eyes. The look of pure joy was something that they had never seen before in his eyes. They did not mind driving him to the hospital back and forth for his "friendly" dates as tankhun liked to call them. After the endless meetings, calls and dates the doctor too started falling for the quirky male. He noticed how he acted all bold and spoke loudly whenever he was embarrassed and had a bright smile on his face whenever he greeted him. All these little things and many more were the reasons which made the doctor realized that he'd fallen hard for the mafia son. After confessing their feelings to one another roughly 6 months after the war they started dating secretly. Tankhun wanted to date in private and made his bodyguards swear not to tell a soul because he wanted to be sure of the man in front of him before disclosing it to his family. After about dating in private for 6 months he finally introduced the love of his life to his family (major and minor) at their weekend compulsory lunches. This was decided by Pete and Porsche to get the family closer. To say that everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Even Kim who mostly keeps a poker face choked on his drink. Kinn was a bit sceptical about the doctor but soon came onto terms with the fact when he saw a vulnerable side of khun in front of the doctor and how the doctor's eyes light up whenever khun does something as simple as smile. He was honestly delighted to watch his elder brother so happy. He knew that the quirky side of his brother was just a façade to hide the inner trauma of the past. He was happy to see someone helping his brother to heal his inner child. Tankhun was still childish like before but everyone saw the maturity in him. He loved spoiling his niece and nephew to no end. Always buying them new clothes and games and making them watch series. The last thing was something which the dads were not very happy with but who can argue with khun. He decided not to adopt or have any children of his own as he was very contended with the 4 children already present and Top was too whipped to protest. The couple got married soon after Kinnporsche after the adoption of Mangkorn. Kinnporsche got married before Phoenix was born.

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