Untitled Part screen time don-

122 11 3

T/W: mention of purple blood and controling/pupatearing, void. 

POV: Xanthus

The tower room is absolutely amazing in an evil, grotesque way. The walls are obsidian, with windows made of obsidian glass. The ceiling is covered in a mural of a terrible scene. There, a purple silhouette stands menacingly over a much smaller, golden silhouette. The golden one appears to be covered in purple blood, and is wearing a purple mask, surrounded by simplistic eyes. The purple figure has strings attached to the body of the golden one, like a puppet master, and the purple figure has a mask that obscures all but it's evil grin.

I shiver slightly. I have a hunch as to who the silhouettes are supposed to depict, but I don't voice my thoughts, instead walking straight to the left, toward an inconspicuous skull on the wall. I tug down on the top left middle tooth, and a ladder drops down from the golden silhouette's head. At the top of said rather precarious ladder is a small box. I tuck it into my pocket and climb down the unstable ladder, pushing the tooth back when I'm done. The ladder rolls back up and I proudly present my prize.

"How did you know where it was?" Xisuma asks, dumbfounded.

"Me and Pearl did a lot of snooping around while we were here. Found a lot of secrets," I respond. I didn't know the story of the mural back then though. There is an awkward silence as everyone just takes in the room.

The silence is interrupted by the pesky bird himself, saying, "This feels wrong. It's too easy-" and just as he says that a glow appears around him that is somehow the absence of light, so more a void then glow, and he disappears.

POV: Grian

'Well fuck' is the first, and most appropriate thought in my head when i apear in a dark void. I shiver, getting a sense of deja vu. I seem to be floating, so I extend my wings in an attempt to propel myself. It takes a few tries, but I get the hang of it and soon enough find myself at a doorway. Looking around, the door goes nowhere. I would ignore it and just keep going, but it's the first thing I've seen other than the unsettling emptiness of the void, for now i am sure that that's where I am.

I open the door and see a strange panel. Looking at the back side of the door, there is still nothing there. Going back around to the front, I see a slot for... something. The something in question is in the shape of a small, circular bead of some kind. Looking at my inventory, I can't find anything- except the memory pearl! Taking it off my neck I slot the pearl into the hole. For a moment, nothing happens, but then a blinding golden light shines from the pearl, turning it from a dull silver color to a tiny ball of swirling light.

Carefully, I touch the pearl, only to be blinded once again as an enormous frisbee appears in front of me. It takes a moment for me to understand what happened and then another to figure out what it means, but... "I think it's a magical signature reader..." I mutter to myself. I jump back as galactic text appears saying, 'correct', before fading away.

As a test, I turn my face towards the door, the frisbee following my head. As I stare at the door, code flashes on... screen? and then fades away leaving only one, terifing statement.

                                   ∴ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑╎リ⊣, xᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ. Wᔑ╎ℸ ̣ ╎リ⊣.

599 words. I lied lol. This chapter is not, in fact, longer. 

Edit: I wrote this at midnight right before Wattpad locked from parental controls, (hence the odd title)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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HIATUS|| Schooled- a Hermitcraft high school AU(with watchers and stuff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora