Untitled Part 2- I DID IT AGAIN DANGIT! >:/

351 14 32

T/W: swearing(fucking), mentions of drunk people ig, 

POV: Grian 

I wake up in  my bed in the inn, stomach grumbling. I stretch, yawn, and clamber out of bed, shivering slightly in the fall air, despite my sweater. 'Well, soon we'll be in the Nether, and it's not cold in the slightest there.' I think. 

I head into what we had decided was the dining room, and sat down at the table rather sleepily. My sleepiness didn't last long, however, as the chaos of the other hermits comes tumbling down the stairs. No, Mumbo fell down the stairs, luckily, only a bruise or two. 

"Well, look who gravity dragged in." I quip at Mumbo's expense. He grumbles something under his breath like 'one day Grian, one day.' Before brushing himself off and sitting down with as much dignity as one can after falling down the stairs. 

Soon, the entire table, which is actually about 15 tables pushed together, is full of eating and laughing hermits. 


After breakfast, we gather at the town's armory, something which I knew of, Pax and all, but everyone else was very surprised to hear about. Those of us that didn't have a weapon choose one, except Mumbo, because he's about as athletic as a drunk Santa Claws, and just as coordinated, not that i would ever say that to his face. 

We then make sure we have everything, Xisuma tips the inn keeper because he rich AND nice, and then we head toward the Nether Crossing, a giant Nether portal, with red swirls instead of purple. The portal is decorated with a number of things, most notably a gate keeping people out, or Nethreans in, can't tell which. 

We walk up to the gate keeper, only to be stopped before even getting three steps up the stairs that lead to the portal. "No kids allowed, didn't you read the sign?" I turn around, and, sure enough, there's a sign saying 'no children, no adults, no entry.' I turn back to the keeper and say in a snarky voice "what if I told you that we were trying to, i don't know, SAVE THE FUCKING UNIVERSE!?" At that, they step aside, letting us pass. 

One by one, the 26 of us step into the portal, me last. As I casually stroll through the portal, without even getting dizzy, the hermits, some of which are still on the ground or wobbling around like drunken sailors in a storm, staring at me like I had sprouted a second head. I let out a childish giggle, before helping Mumbo to his feet. 

After everyone's on their feet, and their feet are on the ground, we take a look at the compass. Wels waits for the needle to settle, and we head off, passing lava falls so hot it could burn your eyebrows right off your face a mile away, red trees, made of red wood, and red vines hanging from the sealing. I recognize it as a crimson forest biome, with the Piglins and hoglins to mach. 

Luckily, I assure everyone that the pig-races aren't hostile in the original Nether, as long as they don't have a reason to be. 


We walk for hours, my shoes barely keeping the heat of the ground from burning the soles of my feet. Soon, we're glad to have TFC's magicly cold water, which evaporates if you toss it out of the canteen, or out of your mouth. My best guess is that the flasks are magicly sealed from evaporation and freezing. 

Eventually, we reach a warped forest, and after that a Nether wastes, with a very inconveniently placed lava lake. 

"How are we gonna pass that?" Scar asks, with a little bit of fear in his voice. "I don't know." Xisuma says, worry on his face. "Then it's a good thing I do." I say, confidence in my voice. "Fallow me." And with that, i lead the hermits down a hidden passageway, into a latter. 

After a very long decent, we reach another passage, lit every six or so blocks with soul torches. After a long walk, there's a second latter, fallowed by a warped wood trapdoor. I push it open, and peak my head out. Sure enough, there's still people here. 

I push the trapdoor all the way open, and climb up into the flickering, blue tinted light of soul lanterns. As my dirty blond head pokes out, I hear a gasp, and before I know it, I'm being pulled out of the hole in the ground and onto the floor. 

There, smiling like only an old friend can, was Ash. They had short, flame red hair, fading to oranges, yellows and blues the closer it gets to the spiky tips, which were sticking up like rebellious porcupine quills. Despite being an almost ruler, they still had ash smudged on their face, and wore a sword at their belt. 

"Grian, I'm glad to see you!" They said. I laugh, before gesturing to the trapdoor, saying "these are my new friends. This is Mumbo, Xisuma, you know Hels, but this is his... brother Wels, Xanthus is Xisuma's brother, Iskall, Stress, Cleo, False, TFC, Hypno, XB, Cub, Scar, Tango, Impulse, Joe, Jevin, Ren, Bdubs, Keralis, Doc, Etho, Beef, and... is that everyone? The author can't remember. And, of course, your pronouns today?" I ask, wondering what to call them. "As of now I'm she!" She said. "She's gender fluid." I explain for the hermits' benefit.

Ash chuckles at my antics before getting serious. "So why did you come here? I know we're friends and all, but you don't stop by unless it's important." I guilty look at her, before answering. "I'm sorry I don't visit, but you know I don't exactly live close by, and you know I have duty's to attend to, just like you. Besides, recently, I've been wrapped up in saving the world again." I say. "If I had a nickel for every time I had to save the world with Hels and company, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice." I say, the meme the author's been waiting to use just popping out of my mouth. 

Ash sakes her head, and asks "what is it this time?" "Well, you know that myth about the Birth Brothers? And you know how there's a prophecy in it? Well, turns out that the myth is real, at least mostly, and that us, the hermits of Hermitcraft are supposed to save the world again. To do so, we need these fragments of precious jewels that will somehow help us defeat the Watchers, the threat in the myth." I say. "Well, what does that have to do with me?" Ash asked. "There's a second, more riddle like prophecy that tells us where to find the fragments. It said and I quote 'the first fragment, one of red, is found where the young ones fled' like how the young Nethreans fled here before me you and Hels were involved." 

"Ok, but where do you think it could possibly be?" "I have no clue. And neither does the author, so I guess they'll just have to get an idea soon or else we're doomed." I respond. I pause a moment, but the author has no ideas. "Ok, I guess we're just going to look everywhere we can." And with that, we set off hunting for the first fragment.

1237 words. Current total word count is around 28,000.

Thx 4 2.2K and 64 comments! Also, 70 votes!

Bye for now, and good unspecified time of day or night!

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