Vinegar and self destruct

381 15 26

T/W: maybe some but my brain is fried, pls tell me if there is one that I'm too sleepy to recognize.

POV: Grian 

I enter the house, fallowed by the other hermits. The interior is nothing special, just a living room with a couch, tv, coffee table, and a few lamps. Alex motions for us to find a seat, which is quite difficult as there are around 26 of us. Eventually we all find somewhere comfortable, the couch, the couch arms, the floor, coffee table, chairs brought in from the kitchen/dining room, or simply stand. Alex takes a seat in an arm chair near a lit fire place. 

"So, what are your questions?" They ask. "Ummmmmmm..." Xisuma says. I would butt in, but I don't know what to say either. Luckily, Impulse, still caffeinated,  does that for us. "What are your pronouns!?" He says loudly. Alex chuckles, answering "They/them. That's why the author has been avoiding pronouns this whole time. That way we would have this interaction to promote the author's identity crisis and the LGBTQIA+ community in general. Next question." 

I smile at the mention of the author. They still don't know if they will appear it this story, or wether we know each other, but they are quite enjoying the expressions on the other hermits' faces, as am I. 

After a moment of confusion and 4th wall breaking, we continue. "Could you just, idk, tell us what you know? We kinda set off on this just after being attacked, so we didn't exactly make an interview list." Scar says. 

Alex chuckles, and starts talking. 

"Well, I assume you know the myth of the Brothers and the prophecy?" That ask. We all nod, and Alex continues. "In that case, I won't repeat it. Instead I'll start with the hidden prophecy. On the original scroll that the myth was written on was a second prophecy, written in vinegar and revealed using red cabbage water or heat. I'm a retired Admin, but when I was an Admin, it was my job to study that sort of thing. Old documents, codes, mysteries, i was the code and cypher expert and historian. I retired a few months after Prime Admin X was recruited as a Prime, so about 2-3 years ago. But a few years before I retired, I went to the original End on a mission to try and find historical places, documents, records, anything that might have survived the war, really. I got to the End capital, Dragonshield, and started my search. Eventually, I moved on to the outer islands and smaller towns and villages. And, low and behold, on a tiny island, in a tiny town, in a tiny house, inside an average size chest in an average sized closet, a scroll. And on it, the story we all know. Now, we had known that story for centuries. But until then, we had nothing to prove the existence of the Brothers, or anything else, for that matter. So, naturally, I took it back to HQ. There, pictures were taken, transcriptions and copies were made, and, finally, I got to investigate it. After hours of staring at it through a magnifying glass, I thought of something. The lines were very far apart, as if whoever wrote it had a large pen, and neat hand writing, so it looked like this" at that sentence, Alex pulled out a paper and wrote a few phrases on it. 

'Once, there were five brothers.

One, the eldest, was the brother of the End.'

After this demonstration, Alex continued. 

"So I'm like, 'there's got to be something in between them of something.' So i start doing research. Books, interviews, my old notes, and experiments later, I finally discovered the chemical compound of the paper of the scroll, and the space in between. The paper was normal, magicly durable parchment. The ink was standard squid ink. But in between the ink was something else, not found anywhere else on the paper. Soon, I determined that it was a kind of invisible ink made from acetic acid, now known as vinegar. I knew that vinegar is invisible on paper, and it is clear once it dries, but once exposed to heat or submerged in red cabbage water, it becomes visible. So, that explained why it was found in the coldest dimension, the End, instead of the Nether, Ather, or Overworld, where it might be exposed to enough heat to make the ink visible. 

Now, as this was a historical document, probably written during/right after the war, according to the date the magic was applied to make it durable, and the scientific dating of the ink and paper,  I didn't want to possibly ruin it. So, as the cabbage water way involves possibly damaging the parchment, I went with heat. Carefully, I applied heat to the parchment, and, what do ya know, the vinegar turned brown, while the paper reminded white, meaning that I could now read the once invisible words. 

I immediately took pictures, made copies, memorized the words, and noted down everything I could. But just as I was about to show the current Primes, Jordan and Hanna, Prime Yalli and X's predecessors, who would soon, uh, 'retire', the paper self destructed, as if it was self aware or on a timer. I told the Primes, and they decided to keep it under wraps, as they didn't want the Watchers or other enemies getting hold of something that might help us defeat them. A few months after, Hanna and Jordan died from a Watcher invasion attempt, which killed dozens of civilians, including, according to gossip, Prime X's parents, the reason he was recruited so early, a powerful orphan who had a grudge against the Watchers. Although, don't believe everything you hear. Anyway, as they died suddenly, and I had been sworn to secrecy, so I physically couldn't tell anyone this story until it was time, which appears to be now, Primes Yalli and X never found out because only three people knew, two of which were dead and the third couldn't tell anyone yet. 

And, I'm sure your all wondering what the paper could have possibly said. Well, here you go. 

The first fragment, one of red,

Is found where the young ones fled.

The second fragment, one of sky, 

Is found where white wings fly.

The third fragment, one of plum, 

Is found where the evil's from.

The fourth fragment, one of leaves, 

Is found where the humans breath.

And the last, final fifth fragment, one of gold, 

Is found where it started, where it was foretold."

After Alex finished, there was silence. For all of three seconds. "HAY GUYS I THINK ITS TELLING US WHERE TO FINE THOSE STAR THINGYS THE PRIMES WERE TALKING ABOUT!" Apparently, Impulse still had caffeine in his system. "Yes Impulse. What if we go to the park so you can, uh, run off your energy?" Tango tries to calm him. "Yassssss!" Impulse yells. "M'k, but fallow me." 

Tango leads Impulse out of the house, toward the local playground. I turn back to Alex, saying "so how do we get to the original dimensions?" They shrug, answering with "depends. Each dimension is different. For the Nether you need to go to a special Nether portal. For the End you need to track down the stronghold, like in servers. However since your in the original Overworld it will take you to the original dimensions. Basically, do what you would on a server. The Ather is special, as you can't get to it on servers, but I'm sure you'll figure it out because the author is out of ideas and needs to go to sleep." 

And with that, we leave the house, ready to find the fragments of the star. Or something like that. The author's not sure. 

1277 words. No, Its not 11pm. No, I'm not supposed to be asleep, and no, none of these things that aren't happening will keep me from posting this today. Y? Because tomorrow is my first day of school and then I have mixed feelings. 

Also, #LGBTQIA+andmyidentitycrisisaswelllol is now a thing ig. 

Anyway, bye for now, and good unspecified time of day or night!


HIATUS|| Schooled- a Hermitcraft high school AU(with watchers and stuff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt