In which i explain half-dimensions

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T/W: cursing, falling ig, mentions/threats of death ig. 

POV: Grian 

After time unfreezes, and everyone is properly confused, there is a time skip in which the hermits and Pearl go back to the portal and the author wordlessly hands Bob some duct tape. 


"Okaaaaaaaaaay, time to go find the next fragment!" I say, standing outside of the portal that will lead us back to the Overworld. "The second fragment, one of sky, is found where white wings fly." Xisuma quotes. "Any ideas?" I ask. 

A truckload of brainstorming later, Impulse has an idea. "The Ather!" He says, jumping up and down. "The Guardians- no, not the mob- have white wings and live in the sky kingdom of the Ather!" He says.  

"Well, what are we waiting for!" Tango yells. "Wait!" I try to warn him. "What if the Watchers are waiting for us on the other-" "Too late!" impulse yells, jumping straight through the portal after his fellow ZIT member.

"Well, i guess there's only one way to find out." Xanthus says, jumping in after Impulse.

Soon, it's only me, Ash, Pearl, and Xisuma left. "Good bye, don't die!" Ash says. I smile back, saying "good bye, don't die." and then "Oh- it's a Nethrian thing." In response to Xisuma's concerned look.

As Ash turns back in the direction of Phoenix Phire, i say "Pearl, what do you want to do? You could come with us, stay here, or go into hiding. I won't judge you for your decision, you've done enough." She thinks for a moment, before saying "i'll go into hiding. Do you have a place in mind?" i smile, saying "yes. If you walk north from here for about an hour, you'll reach a portal. Go through it and you will reach a server. I have a hunch you'll get along fine with the people on it." She smiles and starts walking north.

"Well, now i guess it's our turn." Xisuma says. I nod, and we step through the portal.


On the other side, there is, thankfully, not a Watcher army. There is, however, a very impatient Mumbo. "Grian! Xisuma! I was getting worried!" I think the sudden back story put him on edge.

"Mumbo, we're fine. Now, if I remember correctly, the gate to the Ather is just over there!" I say, pointing at an arch-like structure in the distance.


"So, uh, how do we activate it...?" Etho asks. The gate is made of quartz and white wool, along with gold and light blue stained glass.

"Idk," Impulse says. "I didn't think that far." I shrug. "Put your hand on it..?" I suggest hesitantly. Impulse complies, and to all of our surprise, the portal actually activates. "That was surprisingly easy." Xisuma says. 'Too easy' my paranoid brain informs me.

"Well, let's go!" Scar says, jumping straight in. The rest of us follow, one by one, me the last person. "Here goes nothing." I mutter before stepping in.


As I step out of the portal, the first thing I'm aware of is the screaming. And then i realize why. "IT SPAWNED US IN THE FUCKNG SKY!?!?!" Xanthus shouts. "LANGUAGE!" Xisuma, Mumbo, Joe, and multiple others reprimand. "Oh come on! Grian curses and it's perfectly fine but ME? Oh nO!" Xan mumbles.

My first instinct is to fly. My second is to NOT fly because the hermits are here. My third instinct is that I can't fly in the first place because my magic disappeared.

Luckily, as there are NO RESPAWNS in the original dimensions, the magic users among us manage to stop our death one way or another. Scar casts a spell of slow falling on as many people as possible, using his vex wings along with Cub to actually fly. Xanthus uses his Watcher wings for himself and magic to put me and a few others in bubbles like the one from The Wizard Of Oz that the kind witch- whatever her name is- uses after the wicked witch is squished by the house. Xisuma gives a handful of people, like, super duper air bags, and Tango gives Mumbo enough helium balloons to lift the house from the movie Up. Jevin is immune to fall damage because he be slime, and Impulse apparently gained small, fluffy white wings, reminiscent of a chicken when he entered his half dimension.

In the dimentiverse, what dimension you're from isn't determined by your family, although family does determine whether or not you have magic, it's determined by where you're born. Half dimensions are when your parents are from one dimension, or became pregnant in one dimension, but you were actually born in another. Officially on paperwork and junk, it would say that you're from the dimension you're born in. But since you're also sorta from a second dimension, entering your half dimension can awaken characteristics of that dimension.

Example: Tango isn't considered a Nethrean because while his mom became pregnant in the Nether, he himself was born in the Overworld. However, he does have some Nether magic because both his parents had some.

Eventually, we all get to the ground, except Mumbo, who has to be rescued by Xanthus.

The grass is a blue-green color, and the sky is bright blue, with the occasional fluffy white cloud. Up ahead is an enormous building made of quartz, white wool, light blue glass, and gold, same as the portal.

"I guess that's where we're going." Wels says, holding the compass and pointing towards the building.

We start walking, only to be stopped by a stern voice. "Who are you, and what is your business in the Guardians' Palace? One more step, and the boy dies." 

930 words. So, I was in English class and I got annoyed at the teacher so I started writing and here we are. Turns out the cure for writers' block is an argument with your English teacher. 

Well, bye for now, and good unspecified time of day or night!

Edit: the meme has nothing to do with the chapter. It's just something funny I made lol.

HIATUS|| Schooled- a Hermitcraft high school AU(with watchers and stuff)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat