In which Xanthus gets a POV!

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T/W: the devil/satan ig. Also mentions of fighting i think. (Brain fried)

POV: Xanthus (hay y'all, it's a new pov :D)

As we walk out of Alex's house, I find myself wondering 'who are the Brothers reincarnated?' The first prophecy said that amount the 'hermit clan' will be the brothers. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts when I almost walk into a street lamp. 

As I tune back into the conversation, I hear the phrase "-should go to the Nether first!" Iskall explained, or at least, I assume he did. "It should be easy, since Grian here is the king and all." Xisuma says.

At the word 'easy', Hels and Grian share a look. "Umm, so there may have been something we didn't mention. Y'know how all the Nethreans were under mind control? Well, let's just say that not all of them were cured of their old king's magic. And they aren't exactly happy with me at the moment..." Grian trailed off, sounding sheepish.  


A few hours later, Grian was properly embarrassed, and everyone had explained to me what they thought the second prophecy, or really, more like a riddle, meant. 

"So, it says, 'the first fragment, one of red', which is the ruby one, and it says 'the first,' meaning that it is the first we should retrieve. After that is 'is found where the young ones fled', like how all the young Nethreans fled to The Freedom Fighter's hideout(FF), Phoenix Phire, as a Phoenix was their mascot. It was on their shields, clothes, armor, esc. They were the resistance against the old king, Xalvethad. Both me and Grian were- actually, they didn't break up after we defeated Xal, so we are still in the FF! Anyway, that's where all the kids fled, including a very, very  small Tango, although, me and G weren't part of that yet, as we were just as small. Later, again, before me and G joined, the others figured out how to send the kids and their parents, if they were alive, to the Overworld. A few years later, I finally broke the magic on me, and went undercover. Eventually, I was given a mission to go scout out the Overworld for a take over. That's how I met Grian. I went through the portal and on the other side was what I now know as the city near the Admin HQ. Anyway, wondering around was a 13 year old Grian. And so i walk up to him and am like, 'where am i?' And he's like 'the hub, how do you not know that.' And so, not knowing wha to do, i ask if i can talk to him in private. Sure enough, he takes me into an abandoned building and i tell him that I'm a Nethrean undercover because the king is literally The Devil, Satan is his name in English, and he's endangering everyone and is planning to take over all known dimensions. And Grian's like, 'WTF, i need to get- i mean tell the Primes!' And i have no clue what he's talking about, but he comes back with a lady in plain cloths, jeans,            t-shirt, belt, esc. And he's like 'Prime Admin, Xalvethad is already preparing to take over the Overworld! I- you gotta do something!' And who i now know is Yalli answers with 'yes I will take car of this. I'll have to get ready, figure out plans, scout, esc. I'll help as soon as i can.' Or some other unsatisfactory answer. So Grian's all like 'if she won't do it than i will,' and he asks me to take him back to the original Nether, which can be accessed from the hub with strong Nether magic, like that of Xal's, and so i call to him and he opens the portal, but we don't end up back in the thrown room, where i left, but instead at Phoenix Phire, in the meeting room, during a meeting, i might add. So after we explained what was going on, Grian takes charge, natural leader i tell you, and two, well, wha passes for days in the Nether later, we successfully invade the Ember Fortresses, and Grian's the king. He assigns the leader of the FF as the, for lack of a better word, substitute king. The rest of the FF become the army and guard, and Grian finds me a home in the Overworld as when i went there the first time i wanted to stay there. Three years later, and this time Grian calls me and is like 'bro, wanna save the world again?' And I'm like 'hell yea!' And here we are." 


After that 500+ word long explanation, we decide that today and tomorrow we'll prepare for the trip, rest a bit, and make sure that Zed's ok. 

The next few hours are spent eating, doing research, and making Impulse run laps and errands. After a delicious meal of chicken, carrots, and cookies, we all fall very very fast asleep.

821 words. If I get one more view, I'll have the year in views lol. 

Also, y'know how last chapter i had 1.9k? Yea... 


You know the meme thats like 'my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable(or was it the other way around?) me rn:

My day is made and my happiness is immeasurable. 


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