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T/W: swearing(hell), fighting but PvE,(player vs environment) and I finally explain how perma-death works. So... slight talk of death and angst and stuff. 

POV: Mumbo, cause I haven't done him in, like, 7 chapters or smth. 

We get ready to leave by using the blankets Bdubs always has with him and some tree branches to make two makeshift stretchers. One for NPG, one for Zedaph. Doc, Xisuma, False, and Ren carry the stretchers, two to each, with Stress making sure we don't make Zed's situation worse. 

Meanwhile, i was wondering about Grian. He was hiding SOMETHING, and if he didn't want to tell me, than i want to at least get him to admit that something happened, and that he doesn't want to talk about it. 

'Stop worrying about your mystery! Your friends' lives are in danger! Your life is in danger! Zedaph's bleeding out! The watchers may or may not have taken over the Admin HQ! The Admins may or may not be dead! And your worrying about what happened during the last ten years of your best friend's life!' I mentally reprimanded myself. I know im worried about all the other stuff. It's just that i worry about the mundane and normal. If i thought about the big stuff long enough to worry, i would break down, have a panic attack, freeze in place, be unable to help my friends. 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a certain gremlin yelling in my ear. "Grian, that was in my ear!" I say in a joking manner, exaggerating rubbing my ear. He laughs, and i join in. Soon we have tears in our eyes. We would stop laughing, make eye contact, and it would start all over again. 

Finally, Xisuma makes us stop, and we all turn our attention to him. 

He's standing on a tree trunk so that he's a few feet above us. He claps his hands, getting everyone's attention, and speaks. "Hermits! Today we set off on a rather spontaneous quest! Our first goal is to get to the Crossing, get medical attention for those who need it" at that he glances at Zed  before continuing. "And to talk to...what was there name again?" Surprisingly, Grian answers. "Alex Birbsong!" Xisuma looks at his paper, apparently realizing he could have looke dat his list, and then continues. Again. "So as i was saying, talk to Alex Birbsong. Now, since we don't have a map, and NPGs out of cpmistion, we will need someone to use the compass in his place. Volunteers?" A few moments of silence pass, and Wels razes his hand. "I'll take it. It's not fair that Hels gets a gift and not me." He says with a joking pout. We all chuckle, and then Xisuma tosses the compass to Wels. He catches it, watches the arrow move, turns to the correct direction, and shouts "this way!"


The first few hours where relatively enjoyable. The third through fith hours where boring. By the seventh hour, not only was it now dusk, but we had barely stoped to rest. Eventually, we decided that we needed to sleep because, apparently, between the towns there are hostile mobs. We learned this the hard way, as Grian had to tackle me to the ground to get out of the way of a a creeper blast, and multiple arrows bounced off Xisuma's helmet and chestplate. 

We set up in a shallow cave whitch we- or rather the PVPers- could easily clear of mobs. Bdubs tossed his cloak, and, sure enough, a tent sprung up. 

I walk inside, extremely tired, only to shout "ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!"(doctor who reference) Of coerce, everyone immediately rushed inside. 


After getting used to the size of the tent, we all collapse on the sleeping bags provided with the tent. NPG and Zed are both still out, and resting in their own corner of the tent so they aren't disturbed. 

And within minutes, all 26(?) of us are in a deep, deep, sleep.

### and POV change: Grian 

I open my eyes. It's not yet light, and I'm confused as to why I woke up. I listen for a noise. Nothing. No smell, no sense of being watched, hell, I don't even need to use the bathroom! So, why did I wake up? 

HIATUS|| Schooled- a Hermitcraft high school AU(with watchers and stuff)Where stories live. Discover now